Did the US upgrade of a few weeks ago change mesh globally? Clearly its release corresponds to the global issue of water creeping up coastlines. But what else was done to alter terrain?
I have found numerous third party airports where the landscape has been changed since the US update. There are undulations where none should be. These airports were more accurate before.
Similarly, where prairie terrain was gently rolling previously, there are places where Canadian roads now look as if they are sitting on top of corrugated cardboard, with significant ups and downs every hundred feet or so.
So, how far did the mesh changes go geographically? And did the changes go too far by exaggerating the topography in areas where it was unrealistic to do so?
I ceased prairie flying at night after a patch turned every rural road into a lighted highway. Tonight I stopped prairie flying during simulated daylight when I noticed the newly-introduced terrain inaccuracies.
Anyone else seeing their local areas now negatively impacted by over-exaggerated mesh modification?
They communicated about a change in the interpretation of the DEM so that alpine range look less rounded throughout the world. It improved part of the world like Himalaya, I also noticed French coastlines had better cliff where cliff exist.
What you experience is close to the US border or anywhere in Canada? Could it be an artifact created by the junction of the high resolution mesh and the lower resolution mesh?
Thank you for the feedback. Interesting question regarding bordering mesh. I am flying typically around 100 kilometers to 200 km north of the US border in Saskatchewan. But what you said about DEM interpretation might suggest global changes.
I will compile a list as I fly more in the next few days. I can confirm in BC that the third party airport at Sechelt Gibsons suffered terrain change. In Saskatchewan I think I have spotted changes at Yorkton, but need to confirm with the designer. The corrugated highways may be more widespread. I am looking back through screenshots to see if I have any corresponding images to compare.
After elevation update I now have a huge elevation “wall” across a taxiway at KRND, which was reported to Zendesk. Could be relared to the other elevation issues. KRND taxiway elevation issue was not there before the update.