Didn't see this achievement coming

Just sayin’



How did you get that? Did you buy the Corvette “aircraft” from the Marketplace? :grin:


At first, I thought it meant you taxied 100 miles in one trip - I was thinking “Now THAT’s an interesting challenge!” Makes me think it might be interesting to try on a highway - help develop those taxi skills. Maybe when I have time …

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@android111 :wink:

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So is this 100 consecutive mile or additive?

I recently did a pushback from parking to the runway (only took about an hour, but think of the fuel I saved). I wonder if there’s a similar achievement for that? :stuck_out_tongue:

Additive, though I’ve thought a lot about road racing with aircraft.

Are you from Denver?
In that airport you can get 100 miles taxiing in about a week :slight_smile:
“Welcome to Denver, temperature is usually freezing and our Taxi time to the gate is about 30 minutes, enjoy the ride”


Slew mode gives you this achievement, well it did a few years ago when I used slew.

lol… not from Denver, but would love to visit.

Unless I’m testing something out, I rarely start from the runway, and typically taxi all the way to and from parking.

I think I have that one also. The achievements have always been a little off. I once got a good landing achievement while in cruise. :rofl:

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Shortly after launch, I got the one for landing on a grass strip (can’t remember the title offhand) when I was still at flight levels over the Gulf of Aden. At that point, I had never landed on ANY grass strip at that point.

I remember getting a couple of others at odd times when I knew for sure I hadn’t fulfilled the prerequisites for them.

And there are others like flying X nm in each plane in the default edition. I should have that one, but don’t.


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