Different GNS530

In the stock C172 classic the GNS530 is different to the one installed in the Milviz C310R and the Caranado Bonanza B35V.
The one in the C172 is better with more features and is there something I can do to update the version in the C310R and the B35V.

Install the free Working Title GNS 430/530W from the Marketplace. It makes third-party planes use the newer version.

This is necessary when the developers of those planes haven’t updated their planes to point to the new version.

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I should have said I’m on Xbox X running the premium deluxe 40th Anniversary addition.
I thought that the GNS530/430 was the latest addition like the G1000NXI or is there something in the marketplace I need to install to update my payware aircraft to use the WTGSN530?? :+1::crazy_face:

To clarify, there are two GNS 530/430 files you should have in content manager. I’ll have to give you the names found on PC, but I would think they’d be the same on XBox.
One Version is “WORKING TITLE GNS430/530 by working Title simulations”. Version 1.1.8
This version is the NEW default in MS planes using the 433/530 and it’s part of the core sim so you don’t have to download it, and it can’t be deleted in content manager.
The other is “GARMIN GNS 430/530 by working title simulations”, and should be added from the Market place by buying and downloading. It’s free, and it’s a very small download (26 KB). For third-party aircraft that the developer has programmed to use the newest version of the WT 530/430, this file just points to the code for the actual “New” 430/530. You may actually find some third-party developers that haven’t moved over to the new version (not too many of them at this point).
Hope this helps.

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Thanks for all the replies. I’ve now downloaded the WT update from the marketplace. Both my payware aircraft now have the updated GNS430/530 units

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