Not sure if this is anything but if MSFS 2020 runs on DirectX 11 and i am having massive CTD I ran dxdiag and see that the only version on my computer DirectX 12
Now correct me if i am wrong but as of now MSFS 2020 runs on DirectX 11 NOT DirectX 12
Could this be the cause of the CTD?? or is DirectX 12 backwards compatible ?
DirectX 12 is built into Windows 10 and cannot be downgraded, removed, or rolled-back. DirectX 11 support is also included and built-in. If you are running Windows 10, your system supports DX12 and DX11 automatically.
Ya thanks… This is not fun… Had no problems with my Radeon VII
Now have a 6900xt and its crash to desktop constantly all i want to do is fly… But no love here Thanks Again
Have you installed the latest drivers for your 6900xt? If so, what did you do before installing them? Did you uninstall the gfx drivers you had then shut your system down, install the 6900xt then boot up and install the new drivers?
Is event viewer giving you any events when these CTDs happen?
Have you or can you try using (DDU)?
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Thanks Always use DDU I’ve been building custom loop systems for over 15 years
Know my way around BIOS like the back of my hand. NOT good at programing or fixing runtime errors. The event viewer is pretty much useless with no information that can be used to fix the CTD problem I do not like feeling helpless
I had a similar issue with my pc. I solved with a mobo bios update to latest version.
Rx 5700 xt oc edition
R 7 3800x
Did that 2 weeks ago msi z490 tomahawk mag Funny thing it did solve the CTD problem but for only about 3 one hour flights. Now i am back to crashing every flight
Might be worth a shot to clear all the events in event viewer then run the game, get the CTD and then have a look see. Event Viewer, it is true, often doesn’t give us error logs that are exact, though it can give us informational leads into the nature of the problem. Anyways, hope you get it sorted.
Thank you for your kind reply… But to be honest i did not purchase this game to be a trouble shooter for Microsoft.
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again, its only a limited group of users that have those issues, there is no way this is going
to run on every system, there are some programs, if you run those, you get issues too.
sofar in the history of flightsisms , every one fo them ., you have to tweak here and there a bit.
so if you dont wanna troubleshoot, forget this game.
maybe try again in half a year or so.
You’re not being a troubleshooter for Microsoft, you’re being a troubleshooter for the problems that are occurring on your PC. “I’ve been building custom loop systems for over 15 years” Then you should know by now that it takes some work on our part to sort out problems and that MS cannot and is often unable to serve us fixes for every issue that comes up because the vast majority of issues that occur is not Microsoft issues to fix necessarily.
you don’t think wasting 60 bucks to fiddle with this sim to get it to work is not a problem?
Were on the MSFS 2020 advertising page does it say that after i pay my money the sim mite not run on my system and i may have to tweak things to get it to work?
There is NOTHING WRONG with my PC every other VR title i play have NO problems at all. And you don’t know me or my skills. So do me a favor and keep your dribble to yourself. I don’t own a Walmart computer like you.
i7-10700k Clocked 5.3Ghz on 8 cores @1.35v CPU Closed Loop Cooling Via BykSki Water Block / Coolgate 240 Double Core Radiator With 4 -140mm 2700RPM fans in push / pull
6900xt GPU Closed Loop Cooling Via BykSki Water Block / Coolgate 360 Triple Core Radiator With
6 -140mm 2700RPM fans in push / pull
Thermaltake Pacific PR22-D5 300ml 5-Speed Adjustable D5 Pump / Reservoir
32GB G. Skill Trident 3866MHz Ram
Windows, Bios, Drivers all up to date. Their is nothing wrong with my system. So please keep your useless comments to yourself Thank You
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So You have no problem paying money for a game you have to tweak to get it to run?
I’ve said it before and i will say it again. Were on the MSFS 2020 advertising page does it say that after i pay my money the sim mite not run on my system and i may have to play with things to get it to run?
And then when you do spend Days and Days of tweaking and the sim still CTD That’s acceptable too you???
Have you tried turning down your over clock?
5.3Ghz seems a little excessive.
I may be wrong saying that, but I did heard of problems coming about from being even slightly above stock speeds for some users.
Also: did you turn off intel virtualization and vt-d?
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Powder already has much made up, even to put people on an imaginatively lower pedestal than himself with vague insults to people whom are only trying to help him help himself.
I’ll let him dine on his own words, though the funny thing is he’d probably shove them off his plate if they were served to him in the same fashion or perhaps throw it across the room at you.
Likewise powder and we can both agree so perhaps better not to jump to conclusion with Walmart computer and all since for myself I can say I have been building my own computers for 20+ years. No one has ever questioned your skills though perhaps only put them to the test based off of literally your own words. And honestly when one refuses and states they shouldn’t even look into something as simple as Windows Event viewer but somehow expects to resolve their “problem” that puts all in a rather difficult position. Hope you get your problems resolved.
Happy Landings
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Thank You For Your Reply
Yes i have tried to downclock the CPU GPU RAM… But I Shouldn’t Have Too.
I have no problems running X Plane, DCS , Half Life with everything OCed
You said 5.3Ghz seems a little excessive why do you think that? The sim should run at any OC setting.
Nobody should be dealing with this after plunking down their money.
Problem is I’m not the only person having these problems some poor slobs have been dealing with these CTD since last January. with NO FIX in sight.
And from what I’ve read over the last 3 months right here in this forum that with every update more and more people are getting the CTD that never had the problem before… Me Included going on 3 months now. And i was a first day purchaser and the sim ran fine. I think it was update 3 and that was all she wrote
I have tried EVERYTHING and some times i tried it twice… I Love The Sim But For God Sake I Just Want To Fly…
On the Feed Back Snap Shot list we see CTD right up high in the list. And the best we get is FIX ASAP That’s not acceptable.
And then on top of all that… I get Jack Wagons on here telling me the FAULT IS WITH MY SYSTEM
I guess I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t enjoy getting screwed out of money by a company that thinks its too big to fail
Again Thanks For Your Reply And Thanks For Letting Me VENT…
Hello, you say you’ve down clocked but have you set everything to default? Just for the sake of argument?
You really could do with calming down a bit, most people in this forum want to help, and I know this type of problem is no fun for those concerned but jibing at others who take their time to reply helps no one, least not you.
I have a problem in the fact that although you’ve been building systems for a long time that you would not know that DX12 is fully backwards compatible with DX11 on a windows 10 system.
What temps do you get with your system at full load?
Have you tried virtualization off like I suggested?
And in answer to your question 5.3Ghz is excessive if it causes problem with ANY program you’re trying to run.
Give Microsoft, Asobo, and people trying to help a rest. Although it should work, it doesn’t work for you, either try to get help the right way or try another title.
Kind regards.
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Hello, you say you’ve down clocked but have you set everything to default? Just for the sake of argument?
You really could do with calming down a bit, most people in this forum want to help, and I know this type of problem is no fun for those concerned but jibing at others who take their time to reply helps no one, least not you.
… Do You Really Think KillerJackson82 was trying to help? Please reread his post
I have a problem in the fact that although you’ve been building systems for a long time that you would not know that DX12 is fully backwards compatible with DX11 on a windows 10 system
… This is an API i have NO reason to know about it. I don’t know anything about Vulcan either This has nothing to do with building a computer… Just like the registry i can get around that really well. But again that has nothing too do with building a computer. And you should never even have too go in their in the first place.
What temps do you get with your system at full load
… Well being that the system is custom loop CPU with prime 95 100% stress 63c
@ 5.3
FurMark full GPU stress 69c @ 2850mhz
Have you tried virtualization off like I suggested
… Yes
Give Microsoft, Asobo, and people trying to help a rest. Although it should work, it doesn’t work for you, either try to get help the right way or try another title
… Have you been fully reading my posts? That’s the whole problem Microsoft, Asobo, Are Not Trying To help. They have hundreds and hundreds of people trying to trouble shoot their sim. And They Know About It … At this point all they care about is porting MSFS to xbox so they can line their pockets with more cash. While i and many other people sit here with a sim we cant use
Thanks Again
Changing to DX12 is causing my Sim to crash at start up as well.
Windows 10 Home
i9 10900k
RTX 3090 - latest Nvidia drivers
Z490 - F Gaming Motherboard
I know how to edit the UserCfg.opt to go back to DX11, but i’d really like to give DX12 a try.