They don’t call em bugsmashers for nothing right? Surely if we have these amazing rain effects they can add dirt/bugs accumulating on windshields and airframes at low altitudes and when taking off or landing on dirt/mud.
Mosquitos please. I heard this is an inside joke in the dev team, I am not talking about simulating all the butterflies on earth with their accurate live position, but a windshield effect which shows bugs crashing on the windshield.
The more you fly, the more dirty is the aircraft, like IRL.
I heard some real pilots on youtube saying the only obvious visual defect is the aircrafts are too clean and I agree with them.
Add-on potential?
yes this would be very cool and not so difficult to implement.
Would like to see this as well.
Would be cool, to be sure.
Priority? I definitely wouldn’t think so, and rightfully so in my opinion.
There are many neat little features that a few years down the road would be neat to see once everything is ironed out, but I think there is far too much currently much higher on the totem pole than something like this to warrant investing time into it at the moment.
This is just my take. I don’t disagree it would be neat to see sometime in the future of MSFS though.
Maybe a potential aircraft-specific feature. PMDG has bugs on their Boeings in P3D
In Elite Dangerous your paint gets worn off the longer you fly. Love something similar in MSFS.
Plenty of bugs in MSFS.
Smash to desktop being all too common.
I’d rather see Asobo sort out their bugs before adding in more.
Oh, please, don’t request more bugs…
Two years later and no bugs… but more importantly, still no working windshield wipers
Yes, working wipers is the priority.
The other kind of bug has increased in quantity not reduced unfortunately!
I guess we did get the dirt accumulating on planes thing, albeit only on a few add on aircraft.