Dirty your Comanche!

I had recently shared my dirty Comanche livery and got requests to make some available to the community. Fortunately that was pretty easy, so I’ve uploaded a pack of the default Comanche liveries with wear and dirt added for users who prefer a more weathered look to this fine addon.
They can be found here:


Excellent! This will get some serious use from me and is how all working sim planes should look. Thanks!

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Beautiful work!

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Seems sacrilegious but it’s well done.

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The unholy reference.

For those who enjoyed these bush-friendly liveries, I have uploaded yet more dirty and worn liveries beyond my initial 5-6 that I had crafted. I am probably going to shift gears to the Kodiak as I am itching to craft my own Faux Flights livery for that one, as well as moving to the C-182. For now, I have 3 sets and might do a few variants of the G-ARYV livery similar to this I-TOTE livery.

Color variants of the dirty I-TOTE liveries (images attached): DIRTY A2A Piper PA-24 Comanche I-TOTE Variant Pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

Color variants of the dirty default liveries:

Dirty variant of the G-ARVY livery:


Be great if you could do the same for the M500. That one is far too pristine.

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These are so good. I love them!

There is an issue when you do the walkaround, though. There seems to be missing textures both under the wingtip fuel tank doors, inside the main tanks fuel sump, and under the oil door on the cowling. Those areas seem to not have any colour at all, it’s just featureless black.

There’s also some weirdness on the chocks and the propeller, but less noticeable than the black holes of nothingness mentioned above.

Thanks. Appreciate the feedback. I fixed a few things yesterday (the prop weirdness was one) and I’ll go through and hit these as well this week. The black is due to my Substance Painter giving me a bad occlusion result that I missed. Fortunately I think that’s the bulk of the issues rather than missing textures and I just have to fix that in one map. I just have to hand fix a few of those areas. I should be able to re-upload later this week. Thanks for the scrutiny I spared myself :wink:

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These issues and others have all been fixed and I’m uploading the update right now. Version 1.2 should be much more complete. Thanks again for the feedback.

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Also threw up another pack. I figured since I had done all the pattern work, might as well get a few more variants in:

I’m still only seeing 1.1 on the site

I am assuming you are talking about the I-TOTE liveries in particular here? DIRTY A2A Piper PA-24 Comanche I-TOTE Variant Pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

This is what I’m seeing on the “product” page. I double checked the others.

No, I’m using the dirty originals. In particular the dirty N822JH.

OH! The default pack is bad too? Okay, I thought I had QC’d and fixed those issues originally on tha tpack but I must have been thinking of my personal livery. I’ll upload those this morning. It didn’t take me long to resolve those trouble areas. Thanks for the heads up and sorry for the slop :wink:

Yeah, no, sorry I didn’t specify! Your work is very appreciated :+1:

You should see these shortly if not right now. I just pushed out a version 1.2. As well, I’m pushing out momentarily for the others I’ve uploaded shortly.

Downloading now!

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