Disable Cabin announcements on FS Realistic Pro V2 add on?


I was considering purchasing FSrealistic pro V2 to add in more real emersion into my flying. I noticed the add on adds cabin announcements as well for more realism.

I personally enjoy the default cabin announcements with the FBW A320 development version right now. Is there a way I can use the add on but disable the cabin announcements so I can still get the effects of flying but also continue using the default cabin announcements that FBW has currently?

I wanted to ask/ gain in sight prior to purchasing!

Thanks for any advice!

Are you sure about the cabin announcements?

I’ve had FSR since it released and bought Pro when it came out, don’t recall anything about announcements.

There is Cabin ambience, (background noise).

All affects can be adjusted, tuned, or turned off.

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Ohhh thank you!! I meant the ambiance not announcements (oops :expressionless:). I enjoy the boarding ambiance ect that is already with the FBW A320.

But you just answered my question, I just wanted to make sure I could turn off the one that comes with FS realistic if I didn’t like it more then the default I have now.

Thank you!!

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No worries, you certainly can turn it off :slight_smile:


There should be the beautyful calming ambience of an empty plane - that is loaded with cargo. And the only cabin announcements the random rattling of cargo :wink:

There are some good sounds available from FSR and a fair few awful ones too. Thankfully they can all be pretty much tailored to how you want them, or don’t and then you have a good thing going. There are many that I have simply switched OFF rather than down and the facility to do just this adds greater value to the package as far as I am concerned.

There is a free 7-day trial on their website. I’m a bit surprised though: It’s not https!

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