Has anyone worked out how to ‘Disable Fullscreen Optimisation’ in the ‘Microsoft Store version’ yet…?
I see getting access to the .exe file in the ‘Steam’ version is quite straightforward, however, finding / access to that .exe file and the associated options with the ‘Microsoft Store version’ seems difficult & non-existent…?
Taking ownership can be a security risk at times. Don’t know how it works for games but occasionally to repair bad system files on my computer or similar, I’ve followed instructions about taking ownership and such instructions usually advise you to restore the proper system ownership when done, e.g., Trusted Installer, to avoid increasing the attack surface on your computer.
Good luck getting permissions for the file if you bought it from the Microsoft Store. That is why you need something to allow access to the properties of the FlightSimulator.exe file.
So I refute your statement “You don’t need to install anything. Open the startmenu and type flightsimulator.exe. Right click it and choose open file location.”… It does not allow you to change properties, and that is what we are trying to do here."
This did not work for me… I can search for the file, change the properties, but they have no effect on the actual process. To verify, change the “run as admin” tickbox, then, with the sim running, check the “elevated” property of flightsim.exe in windows task manager to confirm it is actually running as admin. YMMV but for me it was not.