‘Disable Fullscreen Optimisation’ - Microsoft version vs Steam version

Hello all,

Has anyone worked out how to ‘Disable Fullscreen Optimisation’ in the ‘Microsoft Store version’ yet…?

I see getting access to the .exe file in the ‘Steam’ version is quite straightforward, however, finding / access to that .exe file and the associated options with the ‘Microsoft Store version’ seems difficult & non-existent…?

Thanks in advance for any advice…

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NOTE: The below instructions are most likely not needed. See other posts below this one for explanation.

If you have Microsoft Store Version of MSFS, I would do the following:

  1. Download and Install Everything
  2. Open Everything and Type FlightSimulator.exe
  3. Right Click the FlightSimulator.exe file (if more than one, do it to each one)
  4. Left Click “Properties”
  5. Select Compatibility Tab on top
  6. Select “Disable Fullscreen Optimizations” checkbox
  7. Click “Apply” in lower left corner, Then “OK”
  8. Repeat on other FlightSimulator.exe files (if needed)
  9. Close up Everything
  10. Run the Sim!

This bypasses the Locked FlightSimulator.exe file limitations installed by Microsoft.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

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Wow thanks…!!

Can you believe I’d not heard of ‘Everything’ before :man_facepalming:

That seem straight forward! It was just getting access to that file that’s evaded me.

Thanks for your suggestion. Much appreciated.

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Glad I could help! :slight_smile:

Why though

c:\program files\windowsapps/microsoft.flightsimulator.8weky…

To access it you need to right click the windowsapps folder and change the owner to you from trusted installer, then reopen explorer.

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Note that windowsapps is a hidden folder, so you need to enable show hidden folders in explorer. https://www.techmesto.com/windows-store-apps-installed-save-data

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If you use Everything, you can bypass the need for permission to change the FlightSimulator.exe… Hence my instructions above.

Thanks for the info, however. :slight_smile:

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I always use take ownership https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-menu-in-vista/

Taking ownership can be a security risk at times. Don’t know how it works for games but occasionally to repair bad system files on my computer or similar, I’ve followed instructions about taking ownership and such instructions usually advise you to restore the proper system ownership when done, e.g., Trusted Installer, to avoid increasing the attack surface on your computer.

Thanks. I appreciate the advice

You don’t need to install anything. Open the startmenu and type flightsimulator.exe. Right click it and choose open file location.

Good luck getting permissions for the file if you bought it from the Microsoft Store. That is why you need something to allow access to the properties of the FlightSimulator.exe file.

So I refute your statement “You don’t need to install anything. Open the startmenu and type flightsimulator.exe. Right click it and choose open file location.”… It does not allow you to change properties, and that is what we are trying to do here."

Thank you for your input, however. :slight_smile:

BlinkingGnat948 is correct. I have the store version and it worked fine.

Typed it in startmenu opened file location > properties > change for all users (to make it admin set) ticked the box > apply.

No 3rd party tools required.

This did not work for me… I can search for the file, change the properties, but they have no effect on the actual process. To verify, change the “run as admin” tickbox, then, with the sim running, check the “elevated” property of flightsim.exe in windows task manager to confirm it is actually running as admin. YMMV but for me it was not.

That did not work for me… Weird.

EDIT: I tired it again, and got access to the file. I swear that it did not work the first few days I tried it. I must have done something wrong.

I apologize to the OP and others here. My mistake.

Maybe we need deeper access to the permissions.

Sorry it did not work for you. :frowning: