Disable Tiller steering in FBW A320n

I like that the FBW group keeps pushing to expand the A320nx, however the new tiller steering is a big problem to me, as a single A320 sidestick user. We need a way to disengage the tiller for landings and take offs. The tiller steering interferes with those actions. IRL they do turn off tiller steering. The action Ctrl+W as stated in your documentation does nothing. I do have it activated in controls. Any suggestions will be most appreciated!

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I did that, it doesn’t seem to help because when you go into take off or landing roll, the plane starts swerving all over the place.

You have Auto-rudder on?

I’ve tried it both with auto rudder on and off. Neither does anything. Perhaps they implemented this too soon as the SDK doesn’t really support it properly.

Forget about auto-rudder, it will eliminate the chance of it working for you. So turn it off.

Try using the “Increase steering” and “decrease steering” for the tiller instead of the Axis. See if that solves it, assuming of course you separated rudder and tiller in the flypad.

It seems that with the Airbus sidestick, auto-rudder has to be on, then it works. Weird, I can get it to work fine this way.

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I first tried to steer with two knobs on my YOKO. Very successless, it’s far too difficult to steer and no fun at all. Then I tried the mixture 1 lever on my TQ6 and just added the function mixture 4 (not reverse). With (autorudder off) its a great hit and now I steer my bird very precisely along the yellow lines.!
The old mixture 1 function is still in use (reverse on TQ6) and it still works perfect for the Baron 58.

In MSFS it’s no problem to give several functions to a lever, also reverse and not reverse doesn’t give any conflict.

Hello ThroughGlobe3:

How did you turned Auto-Rudder ON again?
It´s not possibe for me, whenever I select the A32NX the option disables automatically and it stays grayed.

I am also having the same situation here, only have a Joystick and was taxiing and taking off perfectly with that, now it´s almost impossible.

How to go back to map the nose wheel steering to the joystick? Any way to do that?