Disable TrackIR in specific camera views/modes

I only like using TrackIR when I’m in the cockpit. I personally have no interest in using it in 3rd person or during walk-around modes (both 1st and 3rd person for walk-arounds)

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I would like the option.

It should be disabled in the map views (it adds nothing), but it should be optional in the walkaround mode. One way it would be better in walkaround is if the view axis was independent of the motion of the character. I wouldn’t mind walking and being able to freely look around, but currently if you look in a direction while walking, you’re now walking in that direction.

Of course, I can just bind a key to pause trackIR anyway.

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Agree. Headtracking in ext view is something I want to switch off. In cockpit it’s essential.

Me and many others find headtracker useful in exterior mode too . So you should alter your wish " option to switch trackIR off in certain views " . Make sure you don’t screw other sim users over ??

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