Disable "VR Walls" for better camera positioning?

Fantastic, going to try this, thanks!

yes, you can move freely, but once you are inside the cockpit, the walls block you again.
Tried to change outside view and back to cockpit… but sim puts you back in pilot seat… :slight_smile:
Finally i got it…
Need to set Pilot camera view settings …

you can not remove the walls, you by pass it by making NEW VIEW elsewhere, so you want to move around the aircraft freely you use that new view, you done walking around the aircraft freely you go in the cockpit, then you go into the other view to walk around when you forget something, also if you move to the cockpit form the NEW modified view with arrows etc… you should be able to move out, what aircraft you talking about? I haven’t had any cockpit walls issues since forever I am happy to try see if it works for me.

yes I have views set up using numpad for many (10) views, there is good tut on that also somewhere, I usually assign 0-Numpad to pilot view then others to whatever for example 4-Numpad would be left wing, 6 right wing etc… it is intuitive and keys are easy to find while wearing VR headset. Also using voice attack is also a must in VR, best $10 I have ever spent !

could you please “paste” a working Asobo_C172sp_AS1000 Camera.cfg???
Thanks a lot.

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