My Library is not saving my selection of disabled content. After a sim restart, all content is enabled without user action, and I have to disable it again.
Did you experience this issue before you joined the Beta?:
[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Every sim load
Go to my library
Disable any random official content
Restart simulator
[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
[PC Only] Many issues may be due to an outdated graphics card. Please state your Graphics Card Driver Manufacturer (NVIDIA, Intel, AMD) and Version:
Just disable all you dont want to have enabled within the content.xml… after launch it was just a mess … msfs2020-asobo-airport-xxxx msfs2024-asobo-airport-xxxx (the second) … some double entries (msfs0020, msfs2024) …absolutly catastrophic… never visited again… from then on i use the content.xml only … and on top of getting airports managed well: I got rid of all default planes by disabling them in the content file and have just 3 planes left: Fenix A319, A320, A321 …
Over the years… its quite obvious that UserExperience is not the strength of Asobo.
I have the inverse to this issue. Everything that I enable is disabled upon restart.
Let me caveat that. Everything that I now enable is disabled upon restart. Items I enabled some time ago (I cannot say when) are remaining enabled upon restart. Anything that I enable now, does not.
Looking over content.xml, I’m seeing two entries for those items that are being disabled upon restart. What is interesting is, unlike the multiple entries bug that was fixed, these double entries are not contiguous. The initial entry is very high up in the file and the second entry is at the end of the file.
I’m tempted to delete(move) content.xml and see what happens when it is recreated…
I moved content.xml out and allowed the sim to recreate it. I went in and enabled all my desired content.
Upon reboot, all the enabled content has remained enabled.
There appears to be some issue, still, with how content.xml is being managed by the sim that can get it into the state mine was in. I don’t know if this is an issue going from beta-to-beta, but the double entry issue shouldn’t happen.
I have retained the previous content.xml, so if a CM wants me to send it to them to pass on to Asobo, let me know.
I found duplicates. What was interesting is I had enabled content some time in earlier builds (pre-beta? During the beta?), however, I enabled some more content on Friday and when I booted the sim on Saturday all the content I enabled on Friday was disabled. All the previously enabled content was still enabled.
I looked at content.xml and it had duplicate entries for only the items I had just enabled on Friday. What was interesting is those duplicate entries were all at the end of the file rather than after their namesakes earlier in the file. They were all set to userdisabled.
When the repeated entries issue I’d seen pre-beta would occur the duplicates would be contiguous with the original entry.
I can confirm your observation:
Currently duplicates MSFS2024 every content.xml entry at the end of the file, where the following conditions apply:
it is a MSFS2020-version Marketplace (streamed) entry (beginning with “fs20-”)
It was disabled by the user
In my case I own some Inibuilds sceneries, bought under MSFS2020 using the Marketplace, where I afterwards used the “order transfer”-service of Inibuilds to be able to use the IniManager-configuration for these sceneries. Because the performance is better for locally installed sceneries comparing to streamed sceneries I disabled the streamed version and enabled the equivalent IniManager-versions (installed in the community folder).
The concern here is we are discussing this issue that was, supposedly, fixed in an earlier SU1 Beta that has either been broken or this is a different iteration of the bug or something somewhat similar. Whatever the case, I’m not sure that the “release” bug report sub-forum is the right place for this to get attention within the beta.