Disabling slew mode should set initial airspeed when height is greater than 0


as mentioned in [RELEASE] Discus-2c | Got Friends Remaster - #137 by scls19fr disabling slew mode should set initial airspeed when height is greater than 0. If aircraft is not on the ground but in the air, initial speed could be 1.3*Vs0 (stall speed for landing). It will avoid aircraft stall when disabling slew mode. If aircraft is on the ground, ground speed should be set to 0.

Kind regards

I would really welcome that – lost count of how many times I have come out of Slew, to find myself in a stall !!

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I think that, currently, initial speed is preserved when setting flew mode on and off. This is not an issue if aircraft / glider have an airspeed beyond stall speed but it’s really problematic when doing this at airspeed below Vs0

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I think some misunderstanding happened. By default, airspeed set in FLT file and chosen by sim depending on situation. Usually (but not always) works fine but not in Discus - I even tried to replace FLT content from other aircraft but it didn’t helped.
So its not really global MSFS issue but specific Discus problem.