Disappointing experience despite initial enthusiasm and the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 announcement

As an avid fan of Microsoft Flight Simulator, I want to share my extensive experiences and opinions on this game. With nearly 2400 hours invested, along with significant financial contributions towards add-ons and hardware-updates, I had high hopes for this simulation. I eagerly followed every update with great interest.

The initial hours in Microsoft Flight Simulator were simply breathtaking. The graphics quality and realistic flight simulation were impressive, immersing me deeply into the gameplay. The variety of aircraft and airports, as well as the meticulous attention to detail in the landscapes, made me feel like a real pilot.

One of the most remarkable experiences I had during my time in the game was embarking on a round-the-world journey. This epic adventure lasted nearly a year and a half, exposing me to incredible and awe-inspiring sights. From majestic mountains to stunning coastlines and captivating landmarks, I experienced the world in a way that would have otherwise been impossible.

However, in recent weeks, I encountered a serious issue that severely dampened my enthusiasm. Despite extensive searching through various forums and numerous attempts, I have been unable to fly with other players online. Despite my efforts, I have been unable to find a solution, and the option of completely reinstalling my system and redownloading the massive amount of data, without the guarantee that it will resolve the issue, is simply not feasible for me.

This lack of online functionality has greatly hindered the social aspect of the game, leaving me frustrated. It is regrettable that despite the time and financial investment I have made, such a fundamental feature does not work as intended. I have tried utilizing forums and communities to seek support, but so far, I have been unsuccessful.

To my disappointment, I recently learned that Asobo and Microsoft will be releasing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. Considering the investments I have already made in add-ons and hardware upgrades, it is highly likely that I would need to spend a substantial amount of money to continue utilizing my existing content. This approach feels unfair and exploitative to me as a long-time supporter of the game.

Given these issues and the disappointing outlook for the future, I have decided not to purchase or use the new flight simulator. Even the current simulator has lost its appeal for me due to the mentioned problems.

Despite these difficulties, I would like to emphasize that the Microsoft Flight Simulator was originally an outstanding product, still offering impressive graphics and a realistic flight simulation. However, I hope that Asobo and Microsoft take the community’s concerns seriously and promptly address the existing issues to regain players’ trust and enthusiasm.

In conclusion, I can only give Microsoft Flight Simulator an average rating due to the aforementioned problems and the future prospects.


Have you actually filed a ticket with ZenDesk? I once had an online issue due to a stuck transaction. It may be something simple as them clearing the transaction for you to clear things up. Given the fact that you a significant financial investment, I would think you would have wanted to try contacting support.


Did I read you correctly?

You will not be buying 2024 because of the all hardware and addons you purchased for 2020?

It looks like most of that will be compatible with 2024. That’s one of the few details that HAVE emerged.

So, you know, do what you will but maybe wait until they release more than a two minute teaser before jumping to any conclusions.


Upgrading is optional. You can simply continue using MSFS2020, with all your addons and content.

There is a fee to pay if you decide to upgrade, yes. But in that case, your addons and hardware will migrate to the new platform, and you won’t be required to pay again for any of the products.


I understand your frustration with the issues you’ve been experiencing in 2020, but I encourage you to keep reaching out to the official support channels and forums and engage with the community to explore other possible solutions. It sounds as if you need troubleshooting guidance specific to your hardware configuration.


For all I’ve read in the faq, it’s highly likely that everything will run like a charm in 2024
 So I wouldn’t worry about that.
For the online issue: please make another post in the community support category. People over there are more than willing to help you out.


Let me get this straight, this is your first post on the forum, and for weeks, as you say, you have been having issues playing multiplayer. And because of this issue, and the announcement of MSFS 2024, you feel unfairly treated and exploited?


If you’ve got Game Pass, it won’t cost you a penny to make the move from FS20 to FS24
 RESULT! :+1:t2:

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Why do people still believe this nonsense?


Another dramatic one

Why cant you use the hardware on the ‘new sim’?
You can even use 3rd party planes,airports etc.

My guess is that 2020 and 2024 will use the same core engine. Difference is 2020 will be without the missions,career mode,some AC/helicopters,1st/3rd person ‘walking’(?) etc - add-on.

Ppl need to relax and don’t be so overdramatic about everything. Looking foreward to MS2024 - if I decide to upgrade.

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That does not make sense, as 2020, 2024 will offer both free & paid content, so why considering 2024 unfair regarding continuing utilizing existing content?

the only problem would be in case:

  • 2020 content are missing from 2024: if MS-Asobo offered all previously released content for 2020 as a default on 2024, or as an optional packages for 2024, this will be addressed.

  • Buying same content again: since MS confirmed there are no worries about addons, first party purchases such as expansions, & the aircraft and airports in the deluxe and premium editions, should not be need to be repurchased again too, what might need additional cost is new deluxe and premium catalog: new content ownership, not re-owning existing ownership.

  • New cost for new sim, is for the generational upgrade, the features & the new content.
    & for the service time frame (4 years as example), the price is very fair, with the ultimate edition being offered.

  • content compatibility: there will be no sorry for uncompatible addons, because it means there is a technological limitation and needs to be removed, and new horizons to be added.

since 2020 sim is a modern base, more than 90% compatibility will be present in 2024, as the official FAQ stated regarding the new sim, so also from this aspect there are no worries.

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I agree. Also, all the updates in the world will not completely fix MSFS(2020). You can tell they went back to the drawing board and are making a flight simulator instead of a scenery simulator. A helicoter that can do power lines and construction is rewritten code. Its more than just missions if you look at the trailer more closely and see there are things that will never happen smoothly in MSFS(2020).

The amount of hyperbole in these 2024 threads is staggering and amusing at the same time.

Seriously people, do some homework before going on a rant about things that are just not true. But again, this is the way with the interwebs\social networking\forums etc


the MSFS “2020” trailers were also unbelievably smooth

wasnt that the goal though? a calm forum after such news would be unnerving


Flight Simulator 2024 is not going to consume 2x more resources. It does not make sense. Graphically I do not see an exceptional change. 2020 is very beautiful and 2024 will surely be a little more beautiful, but not a huge difference. I guess and I hope it will be better optimized than FS2020 and therefore it can work the same way as the 2020. For those like me who have an Rtx4090 and Amd 7950x3d, there is no better so I don’t regret my investment. 2020 purchases will be downloadable in 2024. I think when 2024 comes out, you will end up buying it. The optimization of 2020 is good compared to its release. 2024 will start on the basis of these optimizations and I only hope dx12 to avoid working on 2 versions!


So you have 2400hrs
 Even if you bought the sim for £120 which is what the premium deluxe was at launch. That’s 5p per hour of gaming. Hardware & addons are your choice & not mandated. Even if you add an extra £130 for hardware, that’s still only a combined 10p per hour. A typical 50hrs single-player game at £70 would be over seven times the cost of MSFS & some hardware per hour.

I’m not saying you haven’t had issues lately but your post is very dramatic over a sim that is releasing over a year from now & that will feature a vast amount of new content, improvements & likely some new features other than missions. Oh & nobody is forcing you to buy it!?

Asobo are a business & in order to stay in business, they need to make plenty of money. They also need plenty of money to hire the staff needed to make serious improvements, like rebuilding the engine or make new content.

It’s strange that some have this ‘disappointing outlook for the future’. Nobody is taking MSFS 2020 away from you & it will still see new improvements & content passed 2024. Playing a game for 2400hrs & then giving it an ‘average rating’ is like choosing to go on holiday for a couple weeks, having an amazing time with some mates & then acting like it wasn’t worth it when you got home because you lost a sock.


2400 hours.

100 days 24/7.

That’s a lot for $60.

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Is the optimization of 2020 good or better than the original release? I am having a hard time believing that! I have over 1,200 hours in the game and think we have gotten worse performance now than when we started! Recently, it has gotten significantly worse!
When we started, we were able to have AI planes with very minor FPS/stutter hits, AIG was working fine, clouds were beautiful, I had an inferior system compared to what I have now and it was running fine! Then came the Sim updates (some of which were for sure needed) and here we are 3 years later, I have a Sim which runs ok but with no AI traffic and stutters/deteriorates over a period of usage (2-3 hours)! So I am not sure if the performance has been optimized at all!

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I’m not saying that the optimisation is perfect but there was a nice improvement between 2020 and 2023. That’s my opinion. Today, I can fly several hours, several flights with sometimes slight stuttering. Yes, there is still work to be done and a lot but yes there is an improvement. I prefer a SIM that is a little less pretty that works than a beautiful SIM that stutters. Maybe I’m satisfied because of my 4090 + 7950X3D configuration. I just think that Asobo will take the 2020 experience for this new 2024. We must not wait for a miracle but hope that it will be better than 2020 and that the optimisations that will follow its release will be even better.

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Well, yeah, you have a great system. I got my system over a year ago and at the time I paid over $4k for it (RTX 3090, 12900KF, 64GB 4,400, etc.) and I don’t think I can afford $4k to $5k a year! Let’s hope they do a good job! Lesson learned though, I won’t be spending a lot of money on a new gear until I hear reviews that something actually makes a good difference and works! And I won’t be jumping on MSFS 2024!

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