Discontinuities on flight plan after I get the route

This is from the flybywire the mcdu always even put sid and star have discontinuities , is not about to erase the discontinuities see the YouTube video if I do something wrong .
Thank you.

That’s quite normal, just click CLR and then click on the LSK for the discontinuity.

Discontinuities are not a bad thing. Some arrivals and departures end on a heading or course to be flown vs flying direct to the next waypoint after the last fix. If you delete the discontinuity, the airplane will fly from the last fix to the next waypoint. If playing in the sim for fun, discontinuities can be deleted. If using an ATC service, or in the real world, we do not delete discontinuities before determining if they are needed or not. Discontinuities differentiate the segments of the route in the FMS. Departure-Enroute-Arrival. If there is a discontinuity between the last point of the enroute phase and the arrival, that disco can be deleted. Here is a video I made on entering a route into the FMS. The CJ4 is used, but I talk about discontinuities and the concept is the same regardless of the FMS/FMC being used. Citation CJ4 FMS/FMC Tutorial - AAU1 - Microsoft Flight Simulator - Part 1 (youtube.com) You can skip to around the 2 minute mark where discontinuities are discussed.