Discovery flight request Mach Loop for the upcoming f18

I am requesting a discovery flight for the Mach Loop When the f18 comes out in November

Excellent Idea !!!


100% agree. It’s so iconic and I think having the route mapped for those of us who struggle mapping and remembering routes would be great, especially without needing to mod (for xbox users). Maybe even as a final lesson if they add Lessons for fighter jets being a Mach loop flight so we also can get rated on it?

I do wonder if this may already be planned to some extent as Jorg said about going to the danger zone and I can’t think of much better to add than Mach loop flights to fulfil that given it won’t be anything combat based unless Microsoft do a U-turn on their “no weapons rule”


There are a whole bunch of flightplans which can be imported on the web already. has a good one.

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Well, i’d already downloaded the Flightplan for the Mach Loop from Flightsim dot to

I guess we could just use this?

(just needs to be updated/confirmed ready for SU5) :wink:

And this guy made it too: (also not confirmed to work in su5) :wink:

Woof ~ Woof


It’s a flight plan. Basically a series of waypoints. I can’t see what there would be any need to worry about SU5 compatibility.


I have read quite a few issues with flight planning and plans with SU5.


Yes. For some reason since SU5 they add a climb and approach waypoint which can be a pig but this shouldn’t have an impact on the route through the mountains just your climb and approach at airport.

However as you are going to be hand flying a fast jet through mountains and using the waypoints as a guide rather than letting autopilot do it I really don’t think there is much of an issue.


Try the Grand Canyon if you really want a challenge. The closer you get to the river, the harder it is to stay off the walls! I found one spot called Cape Final where the top rim is at 8000’ ASL and the river below is almost exactly one mile down.


If there’s going to be a Discovery Flight for the F/A-18, it better be Star Wars Canyon/Jedi Transition. Save Mach Loop for the F-15s (technically they’d be Strike Eagles). That’s more regionally accurate based on unit deployment.


 F18’s in Starwars Canyon/Jedi transition

pic from 2019, Father Crowley Point.

As flight simulators are all about the world (not just the US ) I’d rather see the Mach loop because it’s far more of a challenge than Star Wars Canyon because the Mach loop (there’s no harm in doing both) plus the f18 is sighted more on the Mach loop


I totally agree with this @KayakSailor4 . The Mach loops is more known too world wide so to me that logically is the one chose though I’d love if they went all out and did multiple places such as the Mach loop, Rainbow Canyon/Star Wars Canyon and maybe others (I genuinely only knew of the Mach loops before this thread so won’t try to pretend know where other countries air force train for fast and low altitude flight) as that gives more variety and will please everyone

Maybe the could do it as a whole new section in activities named the need for speed section so they could do stuff like that with the upcoming aircraft

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Yeah, which is what I was half wondering/hoping was meant by Jorg. Won’t be tooo long until we find out I guess!

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I fly the most time this course.

The course differs a little from yours but is absolutely smooth to fly. Only the place where you have to initiate the right turn takes a little at the beginning.

Initate the right turn at the second river after the small town. Then you will come in a perfect angle to Cad East / Cad West.

More information to find your way around at the beginning:

The language of the movies at my blog is german but to find the way when you are a beginner with mach loop flying you dont need the comments (i think).


If you like to fly the tactical training flights a better area is Goose Bay canada. LFA7 (and all the other regions of Wales and northern parts of england around the scotish border) arenÂŽt allways open for 100 fts flights. They open it sometimes for 100 fts flights (TTA) but the tactical training area goose bay is allways open for 100 fts flights. Nice to fly and better than Death Valley (my opinion).


Where and when low flying happens:
The UK is divided into 20 separate low flying areas.

Three of these areas are also known as ‘tactical training areas’. These are in:

central Wales
northern Scotland
the borders area of southern Scotland and northern England

Ministry of Defence (MOD) publishes a monthly timetable for the low flying tactical training areas

More infos:

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I’ll just have to wait and see what happens

Rainbow Canyon is just a small Canyon. It takes about 15 seconds to fly through :slightly_smiling_face:
You can fly in this region the “Sidewinder” course but the flighttime is about 40 minutes for the whole course.
Mach loop flying is more interesting for me because the rounds are relatively short and i am are actually just working on my perfection. It would be comparable to the car racing simulation players who, for example, improve their lap times on the Nordschleife. But it’s not about flying the course faster and faster, only the perfection with which I fly through the Mach Loop is for me the challenge.
I found this in the world wide web and if the speed is correct you see they dont fly as fast as they can through the Mach Loop.


I checked it out to fly the course with more than 900 kts, it worked but it wasnt very helpfull or funny. 700 kts is now my limit only in the long valley on the way to the sea at the end of the course i push the throttle to the limit.

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