Apart from the ruse of having you fly at 18000 feet so you can’t see anything, when you take a drone for a flight you see that the bridges haven’t been touched and the surrounding buildings and landscape is that terrible photogrammetry which makes the buildings look as if they were assembled by a maniac! Some of the free 3rd party stuff looks better than this. Had hoped for much better for the discovery flight. Oh well.
Totally agree. I’ve just flown the East Coast USA Tour for the first time and was immediately disappointed in the bridges. If they cant get a showcase Discovery Flight right what hope for the other issues.
It isn’t and never was an advert for this patch. The “Around the World” series is a completely separate project to just showcase the sim. It was never supposed to be a preview of the world update patches. If it was, they wouldn’t be using the old data.
Hey Crunchmeister71,
Fair enough, re read my post then as “not much of a showcase for the USA portion of Around the World.” I’m not saying that they haven’t improved things with this update. All I’m saying is that the ‘Discovery Flight’ doesn’t show it off very well. You’d think they’d put a bit more effort into the showcase as that’s where a lot of folks are going to start - just as I did. And they well might be disappointed with how poor things seem to be rendered. I mean if the photogrammetry for the area is so poor how hard would it be for them to build some 3d scenery to match? What with the resources they have a their disposal. I love the sim, I’ve flown in places I’ll never get to travel to and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I just expect that when they have a fanfare for the likes of the USA update pick the best of it to showcase it.
Slight misunderstanding of your original post. I guess both our points are valid in their own context. But mine was off topic due to mis-reading yours. There have just been so many people that seemed convinced against all reason that the NA showcase was a preview of the world update when it clearly wasn’t. I think my brain was still in the mode of trying to set that straight. My apologies. That’s totally my bad.
You’re right. They could have done better there. Those bridges are really ugly and terrible.
I did about 20 mins of the showcase flight and I pretty much had enough of it at that point. I’ll just discover it on my own at my own pace rather than looking at those poorly built bridges.
I also bailed on the new East Coast tour… graphics very poor, especially the bridges and water/land interface. AI ground traffic not on bridge surface but partially submerged in river, etc. If I were MSFS developer I would not have released this garbage. Very bad for public relations and customer satisfaction.
I’d agree - I live streamed it on my channel too and laughed at how awful it was! Shoddy shoddy work for a “showcase” tour! I think they just generated a flight plan and went “yeah that’s it!”
yup compared to the japan patch which was imho top-notch, this usa update is pretty ‘meh’. here’s hoping the uk update fares better.
I’m back trying out FS again today after a few months as I now have a machine (Alienware laptop with an RTX2070, external LG display at 3440x1440) that can more or less run it, and I went to try the East Coast Discovery Flight for fun. I have a couple issues and I’d like to know if they’re normal or whether it’s buggy or I’ve done something wrong. Other than default settings the only unusual thing I have is a wired XBOX 360 controller plugged in.
After takeoff, the pitch trim wheel constantly moves back and forth a couple inches (1-2 cycles per second) and the Caravan bounces along just as you would expect, resulting in a nauseating “head bob” to the view.
Periodically a popup appears on the screen telling you that you’ve exceeded 95kts during climb and tells you to pull back on L to reduce the airspeed (this is at something like 168kts TAS lol). It goes away after a bit only to come back a minute later or so.
Thanks for any thoughts.