This week’s development update has been released:
Use this thread to discuss the development update.
This week’s development update has been released:
Use this thread to discuss the development update.
Looks good! Seems like many issues are going to be addressed this update, and I appreciate the increased spacing between updates, should mean much more stability. Looks like sim update 3 will fix most of the remaining issues!
@Jummivana A few small errors:
Thanks for these updates, and happy holidays!
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to next Tuesday.
I’m still wondering though, when will the ‘not planned’ wishes be removed from the list? I believe this is the 3rd week they are listed as ‘not planned’.
Nice update, appreciated.
The most striking revelation for me in this update was that the community screenshots no longer respect the rules defined in the official thread of having ‘no user-created tail numbers’… oops!
I only contributed a very small number just for the love of sharing, not to appear in the development update, but I remember having to be very selective so as to avoid any shots with custom tail numbers on default aircraft, which is why I spotted it.
Anyway, I’m really looking forward to VR arriving just before Christmas. Not a long wait at all. It won’t be smooth on my PC with my new G2 but I’ll enjoy it as best as I can until stock of GPUs is available again!
How much more investigations are needed to fix the ground texture being 480p over fl100?
2 Million + ? TWO MILLION … PLUS ?! For any computer program, let alone a flight sim, that’s an incredible achievement in such a short time. Massive congratulations to Asobo and MS … I hope Asobo are reaping the rewards from all their hard work!
With most users having 8Gb of VRAM that’s the way to go for now. I think their plan is to gradually increase the details once the VRAM amount grows at average.
They said in an older Developer Q&A that increasing the level of detail at higher altitudes is actually quite cheap on resources and that they will look into it. They also said they do not plan to increase the maximum value beyond 200 with current hardware though.
Mirrored textures 747-8 and 787-10 fix not planned!?
I’ve never used VR, but the head movements in the video looked quite jerky. Does it look like that when you’re actually playing?
No, your brain tunes it out, but recordings reveal how much micro movements we all do.
I posted a thread but has anyone tried their windows mixed reality app with an Oculous S Headset? Mine won’t connect. Trying to head off problems next Tuesday
I don´t have see when I start MSFS2020 any new development update on 17/12/20. Perhaps I will see another day?
You are too optimistic. How much satisfaction can these virtual figures bring you?
Users don’t want to see how good your sales are, but only hope for improvements and enhancements.
OK. Thanks. I thought it must be something along those lines.
[quote="[BLOG] December 17th, 2020 Development Update, post:1, topic:336564"]
To wrap up the year with a ribbon, we present to you our final Feature Discovery series episode of the season featuring information on VR (see below)! VR drops this coming Tuesday, December 22nd, with Sim Update 2. [/quote]
I am of course really happy for the MS marketing and financial guys in that they apparently pushed/achieved their Xmas objectives to satisfy the (currently) very small minority of potential sim buyers (who posted on our forum that they would not buy FS2020 without VR compatibility and pleaded on their old sim forum for VR) instead of first fixing the bugs and lacking implied features for the non-VR PC-users who have already paid for the sim. I understand that additional potential sales revenue is more important and reported bugs and lacking bugs can of course be scheduled for 2021 or later.
Happy Xmas, thank you for the ribbon but please advise us where the VR headset can be purchased before Xmas, at what price and if such VR headset will remedy the bugs and lacking implied features.
What happened to the Xmas surprises promised in the last Q&A? Why is it now ‘might even have a few surprises’? Where the surprise something free of charge or a payware add-on for which we must be thankful?
A healthy and happy Xmas to all Asobo employees.
There is sim update coming on December 24 already explained. The few surprise are planned later at long run, they talked this on several sim update and world update, not the same surprise for December update, things they never talked about. There is team for different area as well on each categories. Visit the web site for all timeline and date what is scheduled for sim update to avoid confusion\speculation.
So what’s gonna happen next tuesday ? does anyone have any idea except for the VR thing ?