If they want to stick to their release cadence why they make misledading promises to the users?
Regarding the new bug, #2 - Spikes on Terrain, our team is actively working on this issue and should have a solution in the next few days.
See here - official announcement posted 7th of January, we are a month later, issue still not fixed (or rather fixed by the community, which is a poor excuse as not all of the 1 million users are knowledgeable enough to apply a community fix). I would not call it “a few days”.
Being saddened be the deterioration of the visuals in the sim, a couple of days ago I decided to try something different, more arcade - Elite Dangerous in VR. And, at my first day I was greeted with a message that small update (60 MB) was applied. And this update broke the training for the new users of the game (you can call it “cosmetic issue” as I were still able to play, just skipping the newcomer training). I thought “No, it can’t be true - moving from one bug infested product to another”. And - guess what - they at Frontier have a voting system allowing the users to immediattely post issues, vote and track their resolution status on-line. In the result the hot fix was applied in ca. 2 days and the bug was resolved. Not 40 days… Unbeliveable…
“Issue Tracker”
I know, Elite Dangerous story is in the future (A.D. 3307), with MFS2020 we are not yet there. But it would be marvelous to see the same level of transparency, at least when it comes to bug fixing. They at Frontier probably have thier own problems as well, the product is simpler and much more mature than MFS2020, but the first impression regarding the customer care was on the differenet level compared to MFS2020.