Discussion: Patch Update

So far, Steam version checks for update during loading and then loads as usually, still
If they updated ‘Chucky’ launcher, then Steam will be involved.

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Think its out. Downloading something

The App version will show as v1.7.14.0


There is a laundry list of problems. I’m not going to heap any praise on MS/Asobo like others. The crashing and install issues should have been addressed long ago.
When I read the forums here I could make a lengthy list of problems that have been around from well before release.

Many of the 13 things you list are inter-related.


The game will go through a 87.04kb update after you download from the MS store.

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2 weeks for 100+ developers to get a 333mb patch out the door that other than SimConnect, does zilch for those that already have it installed. Great work by all.


Simconnect stutter appears to be gone :+1:t2:


I just launched the steam version, no update

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Where can i read the patch notes?

Latest dev update, or in #community:news-and-announcements

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My version is still 17.12.0

im assuming steam has some kind of delay

You have to wait for Steam to put the updated core part (the same part you get from MSFT Store) first. Sometimes takes Steam a bit to spread it out on their content delivery system. Sometimes restarting Steam client will show it quicker too.

When I start the Steam version and Checking for updates runs it just loads the program! Nothing about an update FFS!


Honestly, people, have a bit of patience. :roll_eyes:


I did for Two Weeks!

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Controller connect/disconnect seems fixed


yeah its not like steam isnt getting the update

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That’s what I wanted to hear…

Can’t speak for steam, but we had to download a 333mb thing from MS store first, so it seems steam has to get that