Discussion: Patch Update

■■■■, yes! i had them at -50 because it was to sensitive, i really need them back! Hopefully they bring an Hotfix asap, i can’t wait another month for it.

Avionics brightness randomly decreases to minimum with the noise as if the knob was being turned (it’s not).

Left screen on g1000 randomly goes black multiple times, cycle the master avionics to fix. Video on auto pilot going absolutely haywire posted in a previous post.

TLDR Lot’s of new bugs for me, mostly with g1000 in beechcraft g36. Tested one short 30nm flight, I don’t have time to do more testing.


Well, I’ve isolated a set of minimal steps that always repros for me. I included those in the bug report. Since it isn’t possible to prove a negative, when software developers say “always” what we really mean is that under controlled conditions the bug consistently reproduces. Obviously, we can’t try things an infinite number of times, but when a bug reproduces repeatedly and consecutively, we assume it is an “always” repro, since truly intermittent bugs will usually not reproduce reliably over more than a few consecutive attempts. In my case, I’ve repeated my steps seven times with the same result, which is generally sufficient to indicate that a bug is not intermittent. Also, you may be doing something differently. If you were able to get the APU shut down without losing an engine, if you haven’t already, please post how you did it in the “After patch A320 left engine starts, then dies, then won’t start again” thread: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/after-patch-a320-left-engine-starts-then-dies-wont-start-again/273503/32. Note that if you are using the A32NX mod, it takes a minute or so for the APU to spool down. You can watch it on the APU screen of the lower ECAM display. As soon as N=0, Engine 1 will shut down.

thats very odd. Even the patch notes tell me they lowered the load, and the impact im seeing is huge.
The runway sight distance, buildings, all of it.

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God…most of you are either extremely unlucky or you are extremely grumpy…Patch is amazing, got not issues installing and lots of things fixed…especially performance wise…


Pause it (if you can) then relaunch MSFS.
If unable to pause, end task MSFS and relaunch.

glad you are having good luck, me not so much.
I have yet to see other players even

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Check your processor load with the new patch. There are other, significant, changes that were made to optimize the sim. It’s not just the FPS patch.

Yes, other issues have cropped up, and they’ll work on them. Yes, they should have done an open Beta. But for a lot of us, this patch fixes our higher priority issues and makes the sim actually usable.

So I say “thank you” to Asobo, but I also say “keep the fixes coming”


Hope you ll get lucky too because you will be pleased by the results…

same for me at my regular airports, cut framerates in half with worse graphics

Can you explain more on the “especially performance wise”?

CoherentGTdraw is still a problem. We could lower the refresh rate by ourselves, no need to wait 1 month for Asobo.

yep i think this is a new issue, im flying at cached airports and its horrid

The sim is out just 1 month :confused:

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I didn’t have crazy loads on my CPU before patch. 40-50% CPU usage and limited by mainthread or limited by coherentgtdraw. Still the same, with high refresh rate cockpit.

After more testing it finally stopped crashing To my desktop a few mins after takeoff. It’s been 45 mins and no more crashes so far knock on wood.

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indeed “Press any key” (As long as its the left mouse button)

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Of course! Done all the usual problem-solving things that one would.

Performance wise even when launching the game I get much less load times…and during flying I get better fps and much much less stuttering. It feels more fluid, even in New york i had a good flight with no stutters…
In terms of refresh rate i set it on low.


This was how my screen looked after updating the premium deluxe version in game. It was a Windows Store purchase, not Steam. Can’t wait to fire it up!

THANKS to the developers! Much appreciated, and I’m sure it was a lot of work.

Awesome patch update!