Discussion + Poll: GOTY (

I am just so disappointed with this weather update.

Overcast in live weather doesn’t seem to even exist anymore, even though the metar clearly states it.

I was looking forward to this update, with the haze, but now I genuinely wish they hadn’t bothered!

Haven’t seen an overcast layer in live weather since SU7.

Such a shame as it was one thing that it used to get pretty much spot on!


Well … i posted sevsral times.

Yesterday the REAL metar for EKBI showed overcast … the REAL webcam showed haze with a vague sunshine :grimacing:

MSFS showed …. HAZE with a vague sunshine also.

With me at EHAM the TEAL metar was overcast. Looking out of my window it was more broken 6/8 or 7/8

MSFS showed …. Slightly moee broken ( i gamble a 5/8 to 6/8

So for me it is working very well. But sure perhaps some are off. Its a 129 euro game … not a real weather computer



generally no problem with Update. I can confirm broken Assistance settings but really enjoy solved bug with TBM Parking Brake warning sound. I really enjoy WT G3000 prj what is really a must have option, also didn’t found any issues with new sim Update. With also updated G1000 NXI are finally solutions to not complete G1000/3000 default products. WT G3000 is working perfectly with FPL, PROC and also other options, thnx again to developer for this product. For quite short time with tests of sim Update, I didn’t recognize clear differencies with last Update, sim is ok and no CTDs also with long stres flights on Vatsim and my relatively old rig with GTX 1070Ti is working on Full HD res perfectly. What I discovered with Porter (very enjoyed to it as I saw it as comming with new update), hope not my error but quick observation, main flight stick is freezed, rudders are ok so I’ll try look to Forum maybe for other infos.

I had it back working for about 2 minutes… ahhhhrgggggg … Procedure as follows:

  • uninstall version 5.4.2
  • clean reg with regedit searching for trackir
  • installing version 5.4.0

Figured out that pressing pause will cut the connection forever. So reboot start again didn´t press pause and it worked for 2 minutes … than no movmenets … I can t say why … this is so poor !!!

both green lights are active and press center (on my system not F12) does not bring a solution to solve this … horrible to relaese an update with the knowledge that such basic stuff is not working …

greets …

Oooops, I accidentally deleted my frst reply.

Did you try Ctrl+0 (I think that’s ‘Fixed Window 10’). I have to do that to ‘enable’ many mouse clicks/functions .Oh, and I sometimes have to do it again - haven’t worked out why.

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After the SU5 “situation” I submitted the following question to the Dev Q&A session:

How does the team approach quality assurance & quality control as part of the release cycle?

The question was ignored and archived.
Seeing people report SU7 suffers from the same quality problems as previous releases, I understand why MS/Asobo had no answer to propose.

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Maaaaaan, you are the hero. It’s working. I can move them now! Thank you!

Yes, ATC is completely broken now. You call center for clearance now and after that there is no way tp ask for taxi or take-off clearence. Most ATC channels including ATIS are just gone and can’t be reached anymore…this update is a disaster.

What are your specs and what resolution are you running? Those are some very high FPS running ultra everything.

you are right … a complet annoying update!! i loved my sim after SU6 … now it is ahhhhrgggg

yes, the clouds look a bit better… the edges still flickering …but a broken trackir, broken ATC and so on … i could cry for that kind of amatuer coding on the back of customers … I have to listen, like a loop, to this the whole flight …



Yeah, this patch is just another disaster by Asobo. It killed performance for a ton of people, broken the weather, broken the ATC, has fixed nothing but some scenery is now slightly prettier, how great.

They REALLY, REALLY need to STOP ADDING anything to the Sim for at least a year. They should put the World Updates on hold and FIX the rest of the world.

Just a few examples:
There is a cliff going right through Houston Airport. Chicago O’Hare is still not updated even though it is a “handcrafted” airport you PAY money for with one of the Deluxe Premium Updated. New Orleans and Salt Lake City still have their old Terminals. Istanbul, one of the biggest airports in the world, is not really in the game at all right now (It’s like the runways in the middle of nowhere right now). Pleas focus on fixing things and stop adding stuff, while a lot of other problems persist.


the developer must to make the update rollback button. This is disrespectful to users. For the hour, the sim was closed several times (without announcing an error), in the some places of airport I can see a ground textures. FPS became 1/3 lower. This update is truly a disaster.


Well time for my comparison video on my standard EGLC to EGLL flight. This uses clear skies and is done at noon and with the AI piloting to get as reproducable flight as possible.

As this was mostly a sim update, it’s not surprising there is little visual difference between the two (despite claims that the lighting is “broken” @Spukee9333). I’m seeing a small (max 3-5 FPS on average probably) reduction if anything with the latest version. I’ve tried to keep the settings identical, but of course with some of the new options etc that’s not always easy.

i9 1900K, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3080
LOD 200/200, rendering at 2560c1440, render scaling 100, offscreen cache ultra, all else ultra other than motion blur and lense correction which are both off. Both version have Orbx London Landmarks and Orbx London City installed.

New version in DX11 - I will repeat with DX12 shortly and show side by side.

HD version processing, so should be there soon


Clearly shows performance regression
Have you overclocked your 10900K?

Just for the record the FA-18 does not require the huge amount of power Asobo thinks it does, just to get it moving. The having to assign different buttons to get into reheat is simply ridiculous, 25 years ago PC pilots pushed there throttles fully forward and the reheats lit, same happens in the real aircraft. Real pilots do not carry a keyboard that requires 4 different buttons for each reheat stage. Go look at the DCS FA-18. Asobo are not even close.

I have to disagree. I’m not sure if you watched the link I posted, but my observations matched the video’s impressions. It is more obvious on his video than yours admittedly.

Let’s remember that Asobo admitted to finding a bug which affected the lighting in SU5, despite many people not seeing it. A bug which they rectified in further patches. I am seeing a similar regression in the lighting for SU7 but the image quality is nowhere near as bad as it was with SU5.

Just my thoughts:

Better visuals (clouds, haze, less annoying eye adaptation) for a small FPS hit. Running fixed at 30 fps and have some issues with clunky panning/changing views with FPS drops but not a show stopper.

Had a fantastic flight this AM into KPSC; METAR showed mist, MSFS had mist. It was quite stunning actually.

I use TrackIr but mapping the on/off button really helped. Actually, I use it all the time especially turning off TrackIr when I am using a wheel or knob. Didn’t know that keyboard shortcut existed before this.


Always enjoy your videos. Very objective way to evaluate.
Lighting is somewhat brighter after SU7 but to me it is crisper and not as washed out as after SU5. I like it.

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Hi guys,

Are you still getting some stutter near ground/airports?

I’m still having some, even with a properly configuration with Mainthread and GPU times in green, DX11, default aircraft (Pilatus), Photogrammetry off, etc…

Flying in UWQHD with scale at 100 (tested also lowering to 80). AMD 5800X with 32Gb 3600 Ram and RX6800XT.


definitelly after some more hours tests and some weather Topics about problems, we have new bug master Update definitelly here, shame. Not flyable at all, sry. Look also to strange that at LZIB Stefanik Slovakia I have cca 200ft difference with real elevation, of course with true QNH as is, so problem is really with weather system looks like.

I re-edit answers on the top of Topic to inform developers about new discoverings…