Discussion + Poll: Hotfix

I’m have now loaded I flight. Looks like the problem was London City airport. Can someone try loading a flight from London City to see if it works?

hahaha nice one

I thought the same thing. Wait a minute to see if it comes back.

that wasn’t in the patch notes, so I guess not.

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Sorry, I should have been more clear: It hang and then crashed to desktop …



Absolute frustrating this graphics…

No CTD so far after Hotfix.
Thrustmaster TCA was not fixes.

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Since SU 5, i can’t configure properly my throttle and reverse Axis
The “reverse axis case tick” doesn’t work anymore …

Tried all original steps to avoid CTD. I get the same if not worse CTD when trying to navigate world map. If I make it passed “set as departure” and click fly it crashes to desktop. Community folder is cleared, online functionality is off I’m not sure what else to do. This sucks I really want to fly and it looks like I’m going to have to give up on this sim until a real fix comes out


Still crashing after hotfix

So offline Traffic is fixed, But live Traffic bringe Crashes to Desktop?

After getting stuck in a loop on downloading the initial less than 400KB hotfix, I decided to restart the sim and then I got this. Simply unbelievable!
ScreenHunter_1024 Jul. 30 13.07


That’s because it has a time it will go active
They want people to fly at least an hour before responding

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think Asobe is in over their heads on this one…:thinking:


CTD after hotfix same as before. This did nothing. Cannot click fly without CTD. Cannot navigate world map without CTD

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The ‘hotfix’ was 340kb guys. It’s a sticking plaster.

Expect it to be months before they can undo the mess they created by porting this to Xbox


Try disabling firewall and antivirus

Same thing

This happens after every patch since the servers are sending info to a ton of players at the same time.


I have OC’d my GPU with AB Here is my current stting