Discussion + Poll: Sim Update 10 (

So I’ve had two CTD:s so far. They both happened when I was clicking on another player on the world map. Never happened to me before the update.

Believe what you would like, as confirmed by asobo the optimisations were removed after the first beta and not in any more of the betas, and as they also confirmed, the live release was the same as the final beta, therefore no VRAM optimisation.

On a side note, I have tested both the current game ready driver and the current studio driver, and actually get higher VRAM usage with the studio driver, which only contains the fix for stopping trees being in the sky.


Same here, we already have the final build, which is the same as the final beta so no need for update.



Again zero improvement to ATC and AI traffic ;-/.

Was that mentioned in the release notes?

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Hi all,

Asking the question that has been running in my mind for the past few months regarding having weather radars on airplanes.

Anyone can confirm if that is available now?



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Weather radar has been available in planes since the release of the sim, for those planes using the JavaScript stack for development. For example, the airliners and the CJ4 have had weather radar already for several years.

SU10 brings this same capability of using the customized weather radar graphics to developers using WASM.


WX Radar has been available since day 1, 3rd party planes just won’t use it. SU10 now provides them additional info on weather, but according to FBW and PMDG, they have not implemented it yet.

A bit sad to be honest.

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Yesss this is great news! Finally having the immersion of a functional weather radar :slight_smile:

The real question is if weather radars now work on Xbox or not. Because ever since the sim was released on console, WXR never worked. I’m curious to test it soon.

Yes it does, on planes that have radar and use G1000. Nexrad is finally working too

I’m sure I heard those in the beta saying ATC had improved. :face_with_monocle:

15gb Update on the Xbox SX SSD and another 23gb from the Content Manager. Oh, boy. It’s gonna a while. :laughing: I’m just gonna take a nap. BRB.


First one CTD while installing things from the content manager. After that all items where updated the app just died without any info in the event log. Second CTD when starting a new flight, see below image:


No overclocking and no issue with temperature, I had turned on DLSS though:


Just started a flight in SU10 and immediately noticed that the water is missing significant effects that were present before. The water used to “sparkle” in the sunlight and looked so realistic. Now the water is missing those beautiful reflections.


Seriously, this blaming of console for every single bad thing that happens has to stop. The DX12 optimizations, guess what, XBox has had DX12 since launch. NONE of the DX12 code is for consoles. The graphical code and the optimizations in SU10 are aimed at VR and multi-monitor support.

And in the end, does it really matter for WHAT the change happened? How does that solve anything except get one part of the community mad at the other. Put in a request to have it fixed. Lets work on solutions and grow as a community and as a sim.


Any chance your water settings got reset/lowered by the update?

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…and that’s your carefully reasoned conclusion is it.

I imagine a very temporary fault that a restart or settings change will resolve. Good luck to the OP, hope sorted quickly.

we will play with the graphics of fsx in 5-6 updates :+1: