Discussion + Poll: Sim Update 9 (

And they probably wanted SU9 released, on time, no matter what.

Personal Views

Of course! Bean counters arenā€™t interested in the ā€œpassionā€ a dev team has for their product. Their world is more cut and dried. The bottom line is their objective, period. And that is what they are paid to focus on. The shareholders demand it.

We should all be heartened that in this past weekā€™s MS Quarterly Earnings Report, ā€œFlight Simulatorā€ was mentioned by name as contributing to the excellent Xbox sales numbers. If you could have seen the posturing among department and division heads hoping their pet project got a mention, you can just imagine the pride Jorg felt when MSFS got the coveted nod. This bodes very well for us. Sure, MSFS isnā€™t everything to everyone right now (and is not likely to ever be), but the steady progress to get it to where it is today is impressive. Sure, there are setbacks, but name me a software enterprise at this level of complexity that doesnā€™t have them.

At the end of the day, I am very excited about the future for all of us that are passionate about flight simulation. And based on the ā€œnumbersā€ MSFS is delivering to the bean counters, our future is definitely more secure right now. Enjoy the journey, even when there is a setback. This ship is moving forward.

End Personal Views


I do see the progress being made, genuinely.

But the silly errors need to be ironed out earlier. And before SUā€™s are released. If issues arise in beta testing (such as the flickering windows issue, and the other issues people have raised) and itā€™s released, and people arenā€™t happy, I think releasing something you know people are going to pick up on, and vociferously complain about, is very counter-productive.


But considering the importance of Xbox to the bottom line how could anyone at Microsoft deecide to go ahead with an update that has been shown to brake Xbox. That just makes no sense!

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How can the developers conduct a live Q&A stream the day after a such a troublesome update and not mention a word about it?

Could not agree more. I guess that tells you how serious these people are?


Thereā€™s no doubt that Xbox is a massive component of the future of MSFS- and MSFS could be a real asset to the future of Xbox. But many of the Xbox community on this forum (me included now) are flight simmers who use Xbox - and the future (like it or not for us) is the gamers who come in and play MSFS - they may not go for the type of planes we like, they may not want to dedicate hundreds or thousands of their time to it, they may not care about how realistic the flight models are. But Iā€™ll tell you what the people who play Elden Ring or Assassins creed want - lush graphics with high frame rates. Less than that and they will walk. So SU9 is a potential wrecker for MS and Asobo. They must fix this quickly before the reputational damage is done and the market gone, I wonder whether other flight sim developers will start to eye Xbox as a potential opportunity if the SU 9 debacle slides into a prolonged effective outage of the sim on the Xboxā€¦.


I had major stutters at KPAO.
This when standing on the apron with the just flight turbo arrow.

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Performance on the ground is decent for me, but weirdly Iā€™m getting regular stutters in cruise. No idea why.

Oh man!!! It sure is!!!

A stuttery mess

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I feel what youā€™re saying. It all means nothing if it flops, or remains a niche piece of software. Ride the wave and hopefully money back inā€¦ more servers!!! :smiley:

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I did a clean install (Windows and FS2020) without the WUs. It did the trick! Iā€™ll keep this way until a hotfix is released.

So they ARE releasing a hotfix? Or are you just thinking wishfully?

You make great points. I ended up nabbing a Series X during arguably the toughest time to find one, doing all the weird forum and Twitter sales tips and tricks, jumping through all the hoops, and it was solely and 100% due to MSFS.


thinking wishfully :slight_smile:

I am sure they are going to release a HF. Until now they always have.

So far everything has worked fine during my flights with the Aerosoft CRJ after SU9. But what has happened to the ATC? I thought the voices were a bit better before the update and AI and ATC now 100% talking with the same voice. Hopefully this will be fixed, should be easy.

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My experience with this update. IFR airliner (A320FBW), night flight Madrid-Zurich. Awesowe sunset over Spain, and wonderful new moon over France and Switzerland. No apparent problem, perhaps I do notice a slight drop in FPS at Madrid Barajas LatinVFR Airport.

Same management simulator AI problems. This airport has North preference up to 8 knots in tail. When taking off from the runway indicated by Controller, I have brushed tragedy of Los Rodeos with a TAP A320. :expressionless:

This morning a flight with default TBA from Zurich to Buochs, within Switzerland. First attempt has been a freezer on start screen (no CTD, but I had to do a manual shutdown). Quick simulator restart, and on the second try without errors.

Dawn in rain. Wonderful clouds. Snowy surroundings of Bouchs, very good representation. Stable flight, no errors to report to ATC, weather transitions or snow cover.

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(repost due to updated info - thought it was useful to keep experience together in one post)

XBSX. Soā€¦ Update day was a CTD fest. World Map, Loading to Plane, Inflight etc. I removed all add ons - and regular CTD

Yesterday ā€¦ No CTD. I installed all my add ons - all working. Edit - the SIM has now frozen. After switching on the avionics master switch in the 172(G1000) - sounds are still playing but the graphics have frozen. Updateā€¦ rebooted and all working ok. Some slight stutter in world map but managed a full flight with all add ons installed. Iā€™m convinced this is some form of network issue caused by mass downloads / flights - looks like itā€™s Xbox specificā€¦

Lunch update. Maybe not what I thought. 2 CTDs in 10 minutes :roll_eyes:

2 days after update - installed Renton DLC. Buttery smooth, no stuttering. 10am UK time - Servers under minimal load? I come back to thinking that the CTDs are caused by some form of network problemā€¦??

Iā€™m only posting this to help Asobo determine the cause @Jummivana - at update release Iā€™m guessing that the network traffic was severe - could there be an Xbox specific network timeout that causes CTD (they happened in multiple places in the SIM). Itā€™s the only major change from launchā€¦

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Totally agree. Surely would it not make more sense to offset the Live Q&A by a week from an SU release? This would give more info on major issues albeit with less time to fix them, but at least game breaking major issues might get resolved as a priority.