Distance from other aircraft

Hi all,

I’m not sure why this bugs me but it does. Does anyone else feel like other aircraft labels should include distance from your aircraft? Currently just shows username, aircraft type and altitude. I feel like if the distance of the other aircraft from you it would be helpful. I see many GA people flying but when I attempt to fly towards them or skew towards them I find out that they’re way too far. Anyone think that distance from your aircraft to the other should be shown?


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Yes I voted for this one :+1:

I had the same thing as you before. Flying in the south of UK and had some name tags south of me. Turns out they were somewhere in northern France! That’s quite some distance they show up over. I wonder what the maximum range where you see someone’s name actually is?

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Very much agree.
I am not interested in seeing aircraft tags 100 miles from me. I really do not care that much about their speed and altitude (most of the time), unless they are closer to me.
IMHO: It would be best to provide a slider so as to give the simmer a choice of distance. It might also help the processor to NOT have to track and display aircraft tags 100 miles away if it was no concern to the simmer.

Yep, something I’ve wanted for a long time.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to know… I would also like it if there was an option to reduce the size of the labels.

There are a few different add-ons in flightsim.to to change their appearance and they are much nicer. There are about three or four to pick from.

I remember when MSFS first came out there was an outcry of the names being too small.

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Ohh missed that. Got any links?


I too want the distance included ,it is a little pointless knowing that some aircraft appears to be motionless on a runway 100 miles away as I regularly see.
Also why not have only a small identifying marker for all aircraft that when clicked then gives more in depth detail if you so require it.

I guess it might be because I only really fly in VR where they may seem larger.

Moved to #self-service:atc-traffic-navaids

I like the idea of having more information in the Nameplates, but we should be able to select what information is displayed.
See my wish for Nameplates here.


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