Example 1: How non-photogrammetry buildings look when NOT in direct sunlight. Clear sky. No cloud shadows.
Not bad. Looks pretty realistic. Now let’s turn around 180 degrees and have a look.
Eww. That’s not looking so good. The sun is lighting the buildings and the ground below them differently. Notice how the further away a building is from the camera the more illuminated it looks but the same problem is not happening with the ground textures.
Take a closer look at the nearby buildings. They actually look okay. The lighting and sunlight seems relatively natural and realistic whenever it’s on buildings closer to the camera. BTW, I did thoroughly check that this effect moves over the city based on where the camera is. The buildings in the distance are not really lighter if you fly up to them for example. It’s a rendering issue.
Why is this? What’s going on?
Take another look at the distant buildings. Notice there are no textures on distant building walls; they are completely smooth. It also looks there’s no self shadowing, or really any type of shadowing as buildings get further away. That all makes sense though. That’s how optimization works, but the unfortunate result is that it makes buildings look much too bright as they get further away.
The reason why is also relatively obvious. If we take away all the darker texture features and shadows from a surface then of course it’s going to appear lighter. This seems to get magnified even more when in direct sunlight. I think this is because those non-textured surfaces are also getting way more specular reflection effects applied to them than they should for the same reasons as already mentioned.
This was always a thing, even before SU5, but now with the reduced draw distances it’s right in our face and impossible to ignore. It just looks really wrong on an instinctive level even if you weren’t aware of why before. Anyway, I’m not here to complain, only to share the observation and hopefully drum up a bit of support to nudge Asobo towards recognizing that this is ‘a thing’ that should be investigated.
Fixing this issue via some shader or texture tweaks would make all those ugly distant buildings blend properly into the background like they should without adding any extra detail to them. Right now, they just look like overly bright boxes in the distance.
This city is Santiago, btw. I’ve got a few more example pics if anyone is interested.