DIY throttle box

I was tired to wait Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant. So just sharing my DIY throttle box.

Box is made of plexi glass painted black. It has 7 12bit channels using cheap linear slider potentiometers and Arduino Due acting as HID.

Next plan is to add series of rotary encoders at the rear part of the box.


Excellent work.
Looks great.
Never been a fan of those pesky linear pots myself, but yours is an good way to avoid a
messy mechanical solution.

Made from the cannibalised gut’s of an old Xbox controller, I used an old hobby box to provide
me with a steering tiller, preset brake adjuster, analog cowl flap adjuster and two switches.

I include a pic of this ‘home brew’ solution for your perusal:

Keep your iron hot.