Yes I switched to DLS Quality, 4090 +i9-13900k can’t handle DLAA in 2020. I am getting consistent 30 fps now
I’ve the same issue. With the 74 update
I finally found the sollution after i noticed that pyc was enabled in my mobile phone app. You have to opt out in de pc windows app and the meta mobile phone app. After this a factory reset and v72 again
I doubt it, as it doesn’t fundamentally change the specs of the PC you require to play in VR, nor the costs associated - or the comfort factors etc, or the hassle.
I love VR, but I can understand why people just don’t think it’s worth the hassle.
so diss 4 just slightly improves the experience for those of us already into VR.
honestly , (PC) VRs biggest hope is that newer 5 series card will drive down the prices of the higher end 4 series cards…thus bringing down the price of an ‘entry level’ VR system.
Thank you for your reply. There is no more stuttering when returning to version 72?
I have 2 quest 3. One on v72 and one on v74.
With same vd and msfs settings v74 gave stutters and v72 not
Great I’ll try it and go back to 72
No improvements FOR THEM. Like all subjective comments on this forum, they usually only apply to the author because the variety of systems is so extensive.
There was a new v74 release yesterday (Feb 3) that fixed the stutter performance for me.
DLSS 4 Performance mode has created a big clarity boost for me at 45fps and for the first time my Quest 3 and 4080 feel at an acceptable level.
First nvidia/asobo need to make DLSS 4 easy to set up and then hopefully, all these new Quests that are being bought will be tried with MSFS VR and our VR tribe will grow even more quickly, leading to the VR software enhancements we all crave.
My rig is as follows:
- i9-13900k @ 5.5 GHz
- 64 GB (DDR5-5600)
- ASUS RTX 4090 OC
- Quest 3 connected with Virtual Desktop over Wifi 6
So quite good, I think. I wonder how much faster RAM would improve the overall performance.
MSFS 2020:
Version 1.1.0
Preset Custom
MaxAnisotropy 16
Quality 1
SuperSampling 2
LoDFactor 1.000000
Enabled 1
Quality 3
LoDFactor 1.000000
MaxSliceCount 4
Size 1024
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS0 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS1 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS2 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS3 0.100000
OmniContributionCullingThreshold 0.020000
Enabled 1
Size 512
Enabled 1
Quality 2
FFTSize 512
Enabled 1
Quality 3
Enabled 1
Quality 3
Size 192
Enabled 1
HalfRes 0
Quality 0
Quality 3
Enabled 1
Quality 2
Enabled 1
Enabled 0
Quality 2
Enabled 0
Quality 2
Enabled 1
Quality 1
Enabled 1
Quality 1
Enabled 1
Quality 1
Quality 3
Enabled 1
EyeAdaptation 1
ColorGrading 1
Sharpen 0
Fringe 0
LensDistortion 0
Dirt 0
LensFlare 0
FilmGrain 0
Vignette 0
LensBlurMultiplier 1.000000
FringeMultiplier 1.000000
Enabled 1
Quality 3
MSFS 2024:
Version 2.1.0
Preset Custom
MaxAnisotropy 16
Quality 1
LoDFactor 1.000000
POMMaxDist 20.000000
POMSubsplitsMaxDist 7.500000
Enabled 1
Quality 2
LoDFactor 1.000000
MaxSliceCount 4
Size 1024
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS0 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS1 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS2 0.100000
DLightContributionCullingThresholdS3 0.100000
OmniContributionCullingThreshold 0.000000
Enabled 1
Size 512
Enabled 1
Quality 2
FFTSize 256
Enabled 1
Quality 3
Enabled 1
Quality 2
Enabled 1
Size 192
Enabled 1
HalfRes 0
Quality 0
Quality 2
Enabled 1
FullRes 0
Quality 2
Enabled 1
Enabled 0
Quality 1
Enabled 0
Quality 1
Quality 2
TreesQuality 2
PlantsQuality 2
RocksQuality 2
GrassQuality 2
Quality 2
AirportQuality -1
AirQuality 1
RoadQuality 1
SeaQuality 1
Quality 1
Quality 2
I Have the same cpu/gpu specs. Early last year I upgraded my 32Gb 5400ram to 32Gb 6400 ram (both 2x16Gb sticks) and got about 10% better fps performance. I bought these on an Amazon sale so I think that this was a very cost effective upgrade, for me anyway.
Once the dust settles on msfs2024 (currently uninstalled) I may look at upgrading to 64Gb (2x32Gb) 7000ram (upper limit for my z790 mb). Cheers.
With respect to this thread’s title; I don’t think DLSS 4 by itself is going to significantly bring in more flight sim users into VR. Getting a proper, optimized for VR release of msfs2024 may have a larger impact imho.
I agree with your last statement. Bringing the bar to entry lower and making things easier to setup and use will bring more people to VR Flight simming. Right now it can be a struggle to get up and running especially when coming at it with little knowledge. People start throwing out acronyms, tweaks, etc. and then others come in and say its totally wrong, you need to do it this way… that scares people away before they even get near the door.
A simple path into VR will bring more people in, better optimized games will keep them there.
I reverted back to 3.8.10 for both sims, When I tried DLSS 4, it seemed more stuttery in VR. then once I reverted back the stutters went away. I must have some adjustment not done. my 2020 is DX11 and my 24 is DX12 with no FG enabled in 2D mode.
Maybe try msfs2020 with dx12. I’ve always used dx11 before dlss 4 because it seemed smoother and more stable. Now dx12 is much smoother than dx11, for me anyway.
Don’t know about msfs2024 since I’ve uninstalled it for now. Until there are heaps more improvements, mucking around trying to optimize settings is a fools errand imho.
Well I have to agree. Having started VR in flight sims quite early (X-plane 11, etc) and with very modest equipment, I have learned the lesson that even major increases in, say, a new GPU or a new CPU, etc, etc generally make only incremental improvements to the visual performance - each individual investment gives you a bit more headroom but not a huge step change.
I have found that in MSFS2020 DLSS4 ‘K’ has given me a major step change improvement in VR, internally and externally, visual and performance. It’s not perfect yet - there are some occasional aberrations, and at the moment, for me, the prop aberrations for single engine aircraft mean swopping back to TAA. But WOW. What a difference. And I was a staunch supporter before of sticking with TAA for everything. As others have said, MSFS2024 less so - still got the clarity but some added judders that need some more experimentation.
Ryzen7 7700x 4080 GPU 32GB RAM Pimax Crystal Light & Quest 3
With the DLSS 4.0 improvements with VR and MSFS 2020, will I still need to mess with Oculus Tray Tool (OTT)? Historically I use OTT to super sample and mess with FOV to get the best FPS and clarity. And is DLSS 4.0 ideal with dx11 or dx12? (for MSFS 2020)
I have not used OXTK, or OTT for a VERY long time now. I found they did not give much of an improvement, and increased complexity. Your mileage may vary though.
I tried TAA tonight. With the same settings game is lagging 125ms. With dlss its 45ms. TAA is much sharper but burns performance. So i choose for a bit ghosting on the mfd’s and more immersion. I am on profile K and no nvidia app.
I run oxtk for fps monitor, color adjust and fov rendering profiles. I see no performance loss when enabeling oxtk. Run 72fps, asw steady (36fps)
5800x3d-3080TI-64GB ram-quest 3- virtual desktop
Its because you are running at presume 80Hrz. So you need to achieve 40fps only. Here on Varjo Aero I need an extra 5fps as I run at 90Hrz... so I can reach 45fps. Saying that an extra 5fps in VR it
s quite a big thing to get. So in short I run with good performance but at lower settings than you. Mind you my rez on Aero is set at 4750 x…and 39ppd which is way higher than Q3 capability.