DLSS info bar in lower left hand screen

The new update with perfect for me through install to first flight etc. The sim even loads faster that ever for me and runs smooth. But I noticed, with native DLSS active I have a little set of text down in the lower left hand part of the screen detailing the DLSS setup (I believe that’s what it is anyway). I am including a screenshot. It is not really annoying or a big issue, but can I turn it off? I am not in dev mode.

forum search-key “dlss info” :wink:

Thanks, I’ll give a go.

Did you by any chance follow this video guide for installing Nvidia drivers?

At the 10.53 mark there’s a tickbox for ‘enable DLSS indicator’.

Actually I have watched that vid but it’s been a while. I do follow this guide when installing a new driver, so next driver install I’ll be sure to uncheck this one. Thanks.