Maybe new simmers to the msfs platform won’t remember but night lighting used to be amazing.
Ever since it got dumbed down and frankly ruined, i have not done any night flights.
Was wondering how many of you still fly nights, and what your opinions are on it.
Low altitude GA flights look fine to me personally, but IFR flights in airliners not so much.
This just was incredibly pretty to me and looked more real than what we have now.
Do you fly with HDR?
The vast majority of my flights are below 10,000 feet so I can’t comment on how lighting looks from high altitude but, with HDR on, I think night lighting looks anywhere from good to downright amazing in photogrammetry areas. It’s really the best part of HDR at the moment. Sunrise, sunset and daytime all need work.
I fly almost exclusively at sunrise and sunset. Wish I had HDR, but I can still get it looking good.
Make sure you haven’t set a preset in your monitor. for example, Theatre mode had very deep black tones, etc.
It fixes things so that if I turn down the screens in my cockpit, the outside world comes alive, even at night and looks dang close to what I’ve experienced in real world night flying.
Light up the cockpit screens, and suddenly you can’t see anything outside, again perfectly realistic.
With that reshade setting, it’s possible to just make out the taxiway stripes without lights on a moonlit night. Even with it, I fly real world lighting, which means I turn off the taxi lights after getting off the runway (US at least, it’s Landing lights to land, switch to Taxi lights to depart the runway, all lights off to taxi in so as not to blind departing pilots at night, even strobes come off and just nav/beacons stay on). With that reshade preset, I find night flying wholly enjoyable.
I do fly with HDR, i have a 42” LG OLED C2 i use as a desktop monitor for a couple months now.
I agree it makes the lights pop way more than a regular ips or va display etc
I don’t know what happened to yours but my night lighting got better it looks amazing in 4k atleast cant speak of others…I fly almost entirely at night in airliners.