Do you use a UPS?

Well… that desk is a bit of Frankenstein…
It started as a corner desk that I found on Craigslist (which included the keyboard tray), but I ran out of width because it was a corner unit… so I added another desktop on top of that one and now I have plenty of room:


In fact, I also have a new Stream Deck to the left of the Alpha Yoke that isn’t in that picture.f

[Edit: Oooh… I found the link to this desktop.]


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I have a pair of the same. I’ve even had them so long I replaced the batteries inside once.
Much more cost effective than buying another pair.


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Shop around for the batteries… Prices vary enormously - very often, you can get a better price shopping Online + ground shipping, than your local battery retailer.

Typical example

$17.48 each

Local retailer can charge up to $45 each !!

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