Does anyone know how to turn off all windshield effects?

Windshield effects are overdone for me in VR. Does anyone know how to turn them completely off with a registry entry or such?


Moved to User Support Hub Virtual Reality (VR) that is more appropriate for community support.

I would like to know this as well. When flying the DV20 for instance, the reflections are so intense it’s hard to see any detail outside and everything is severely washed out.

I’ve been in plenty of planes irl and while the reflections can be bothersome in certain situations, the planes are designed so it doesn’t cause serious visibility issues. Here in FS2024 however, they do cause serious visibility issues in midday flying.

What’s even more odd is that the reflections are much less intense on say the Cessna 207 compared to the DV20, so it varies by plane but not in the way it would in real life.


Please devs allow us VR players to turn off all windshield reflections. Its too distrcting and many of us play casually for the beauty of the view… we cant enhoy the view when its washed out and dsitrcted by reflections. I would actually like the ability to turn off the glas windscren entirely for a perfectly clear view.

Atm VR is decent when facing the right angles, but in most angles when the sun is infront… the view is just so wash out.

Also has anyone else notice the propeller interfearing with the grpahics of the landscape? Im refering to the area just outside of the middle of the propeller rotary axis.

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Yes the propeller animation is atrocious. It looks absolutely nothing like real life. The shadows projected by the prop flicker like an old movie camera, and the animation interferes with literally everything. If you ever sit in a real prop plane you can barely see the propeller when focused on the ground or surroundings and you certainly can’t see flickering from it or flickering shadows from it. Total immersion killer at the moment along with the way overcooked windshield effects.

Agree, the windscreen reflections completely destroy the scenery.

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The windshield reflections always bugged me in 2020 and they are even worse in 2024. They are super distracting in VR and play havoc with the image clarity. I’d also really love the option to turn them off!

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Just flown the TBM and the windscreen is showing reflections of the scenery directly below the aircraft, for example when crossing the white lines on the runway. The fuselage should be blocking these reflections, it’s as if the aircraft is invisible which is causing these unwanted reflections.


Please give us the option to turn off windshield effects.

Thank you.


That’s exactly, what I experienced.

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Please allow us to turn off all reflections and give a perfectly clear view in VR. I often find myself hanging out the window in VR to get a clearer view.
