Does Anyone Know What Bluemesh are Working on Next?

I’m flying the 631 right now and, once again, am in awe of this entire affair. What an incredible gift this developer and Microsoft have given us in providing a platform for which talent, such as Bluemesh, can bring us aircraft we could never conceive of experiencing in such detail.

God, I love this simulator.

Anyhow, does anyone have any insight into what Bluemesh are up to next?

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Not sure if it’s the only thing they’re working on, but over a year ago and without a word about it since, they announced the Leduc RL.21


Next Aircraft will be teased next week :wink:


Right on!!

I will say two things (if I can count properly).

  1. Bluemesh is one of the best devs we have for MSFS, attention to detail, updates, communication, everything works with this dev.
  2. I know it is probably not what they are working on right now but I would LOVE if they can now reconsider doing a gyrocopter for MSFS, I think deserves a nice modern gyro to fly. Hope hope hope.

Jorg previously mentioned that the next Famous Flyer for late January is a helicopter. Assuming that the release schedule didn’t change, if it’s from BlueMesh, that could be quite interesting and good news for us simmers.

My announcement will not be linked to a Microsoft partnership, but as a third-party product.
Hint: Movie → “La grande vadrouille”


Let guess… Beginning or end of the movie?

So…guessing an MS-502 Criquet or a normal Fiesler Storch. Either would be fun! :slight_smile:

A bit too easy, but, the end :grin:

neither haha, but it’s on the page…

Haha, the glider it is then. Looking forward to it!

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We have a winner, it is the Castel C25S :smiley: ,


A really simple aircraft, but yet we do not have historical glider in the sim… So It’s time !

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But isn’t at the end of the movie?

Yes, the very end

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