As in the title, wondering if the Piper PA28 Warrior and Archer range support the new propeller model introduced in SU8.
as far as I’m aware they’ve not been updated since SU8 release
They’re waiting until they’re sure SU8 is stable and then they’ll update the planes to take advantage of the new prop mechanics.
Let’s not forget how much work this is, as, not only do they have to implement the new code for the prop, but they’ll have to go back through the whole flight model to “remove” whatever compensation they made for the lack of the physics in the previous model. It might take a couple of tries to get it right (as well as taking advantage of all the other physics Asobo is adding (tire friction, wind interaction, etc.)
it’s a lot of work - but them that wanted to get their products into MSFS in the first year had to understand that this would be the price to pay on the backend
I really hope they will take advantage of the new propeller physics. The warrior is a killer product, and to keep updating it will result in many sales for some years to come!
#justsayin… IOW, it won’t happen overnight, but I’m sure it will
The Warrior might be one of their most popular products, I expect as long as MSFS continues to grow, so will the Warrior… as needed.
Agree - any established reputable developer should likely improve / keep pace with sim development. The onus is on the community as well. Anyone who purchased content for MSFS in the first year had to know there would either be updates from the vendors (with delays) or abandonment - depending on who you bought from. This is another endorsement for buying direct from the 3PD’s rather than the Marketplace, where those delays are exacerbated by backlog…and where some less than reputable developers might have gained unwarranted legitimacy
The new propeller tables are not perfect, but they are an improvement on the default. However, the proposed CFD introduction with SU9 will likely make them a more realistic proposition than the current situation - to save rewriting everything now and then having to rewrite it all again after SU9 (given the scale of the proposed changes involved and my limited time) we will wait until that point and hopefully make the most of what the game can achieve at that point.
I totally agree with your course of action. I believe even Asobo said this is how it should go, that the intial release for developers to play with, and it will improve over the next couple of releases.
Makes sense. Looking forward to that!