Does SU10-beta fix FBW's "INOP" terrain display?

Calling anybody with SU10-beta:
Can someone who does have it pls confirm whether the FBW A320NX cockpit terrain display is still “INOP”?
For many of us having a working terrain display would count as a big improvement!

no, because the FBW dev has disabled it…it has nothing to do with MS/Asobo. They are reworking it because of issues they have with how it works with the systems FBW is using.

I believe they are waiting on more access to the API or data. You can learn more by going to FBW’s discord or website -

Ok, but I had understood that the reason FBW had put the “INOP” sticker on the respective Terrain Display & Weather Radar imagery was that Asobo had not yet opened-up this data for 3rd party aircraft.

So my question then becomes:

Q Has Asobo (with its SU10-beta) opened-up the weather & terrain data for 3rd party developers?

Here are the lines directly out of the Release Notes:

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Cool, thanks!
So I guess it shouldn’t be too long now before those last INOP stickers are removed.

They have, but the verdict is still out whether this first iteration of these APIs is good enough to build a realistic representation of weather radar or terrain display for an A320.

For terrain it doesn’t actually matter, as it’s static and 3rd party developers simply ship with their own terrain database. FBW is currently working on implementing the terrain display based on their own database without having to rely on the terrain API. That’s completely unrelated to SU10 though.

For weather it’s not so easy…

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But as far as I remember months ago the stable and development versions of FBW A32NX did have the terrain display, only the experimental one didn’t.

That’s correct. They had a terrain display, which was the one from the Asobo A320. They had to remove it because of performance reasons after they re-implemented the MFD (which was pushed to experimental first).

Rather than trying to somehow integrate this version again they started work on the one currently in development where they are a lot more in control of the functionality and are then also able to make it as close as possible to the terrain display in the real Airbus.

At least that’s how I remember the discussions on the FBW discord.

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