Does X-Codr's KWYS and Yellowstone National Park have elevation issues after WU10?

Just a quick question regarding the Yellowstone third-party add-on from X-Codr (on sale in the marketplace this week) and WU 10 . I’ve noticed with some other USA add-ons, after WU 10 was installed, there were elevation issues and other random issues.

Can anyone comment on whether this is true for them with this add-on?

Any thoughts you can share would be helpful for me, as I’m just trying to do my due diligence before a purchasing, and don’t see a recent review/update on this product.

Thank you!

I have been flying all over Yellowstone park with KWYS and YNP addon on WU10 the last few nights. The only elevation problem I saw was on the road that is next to rivers and the lake. The road goes under water in a very few places. Otherwise I did not see any other problems. I would highly recommend this scenic addon. You can see steam coming up from major places that has fumaroles and hot ponds. Such as at Mud Pots, Paint Pots, Grand Prismatic Spring, Firehole Spring, Mammoth Hot Springs and around the Old Faithfull area and I am sure more. You can also see Old Faithfull erupt.

Do you think this addon is worth the price (considering a high quality freeware West Yellowstone Airport is available)?

I’d be buying it for the landmarks in the park rather than for the airport because of the freeware option.

Here are some screen captures from Yellowstone NP scenery. You can see steam rising from pools an vents, Old Faithfull erupting and the Old Faithful Lodge.