Don't set location of OpenXR runtime with the registry, use OpenXR Loader Specs instead

You can configure which OpenXR driver to use for all OpenXR application easily:

As for using WMR or SteamVR OpenXR, this doesn’t depend on where you’ve purchased the simulator, only what headset you’re using. You can for example redirect the Reverb G1/G2 from using WMR OpenXR and using SteamVR OpenXR instead, whether you’re using the MS Store or Steam version of FS2020.

When you’re using a WMR HMD on SteamVR with an application using Valve OpenVR API, it is using SteamVR as the API and WMR as the driver for the headset. In order to bridge the two, you’d need to also install WMR for SteamVR in Steam Client. If you’re using an OpenXR application though, it will use the configured driver (see below). Here there are two options available:

  • App -> OpenXR API -> WMR OpenXR driver -> Reverb.
  • App -> OpenXR API -> SteamVR OpenXR Driver -> WMR for SteamVR -> Reverb

The former is the “normal” path with the Reverb G2 as-is. The later is what you could do should you want to use the SteamVR features like a finer control on some VR settings and using overlays like fpsVr.