G2: Steam or MS Store version for VR?

Thanks, @BeardyBrun . So I could just use WMR OpenXR rather than SteamVR OpenXR if I were to buy from Steam, without performance penalty compared to running WMR OpenXR if I were to buy from MS Store? I’m thinking particularly of @CptLucky8 ’s post in this thread: VR vs Quality Sacrifice - #28 by CptLucky8

“At this time, WMR OpenXR is working better than SteamVR OpenXR. However, this might also be due to some “proprietary” or “specific” OpenXR implementation details in the WMR driver which is serving custom needs for FS2020 (both Microsoft apps). It might be nothing but the WMR OpenXR v104 includes specific references (code) internally to “FS2020” (I didn’t check v105).”

Also @CptLucky8 ’s post here: Don't set location of OpenXR runtime with the registry, use OpenXR Loader Specs instead - #9 by CptLucky8