Double Jetways - FSDT LSZH with GSX Pro

I have FSDT LSZH installed and also GSX Pro.
I did exclude all thirdparty add-on’s in regards to Jetways with the FSDT GSX PRO Installer Config-Tool.

Yet, I still have the scenery jetways (the green tinted glass) AND also some ugly non-tinted glass jetways which somehow look like shattered glass.

Bonus - Question :slight_smile: I downloaded a GXS Pro Profile for LSZH by FSDT and I entered my Simbrief Username - but VSDG is not working - despite me using simbrief for my flight.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong here?


Have you disabled the default Asobo Zurich?

You mean disabled it in GSX Pro?

No, in the sim.

I see! Of course not lol - gonna try right away - thanks mate! I was not aware that I have to deactivate that mysefl ^^

Apologies for the ignorance, but where is the Asobo LSZH airport?

Think I found it, named microsoft-…