I purchased the Sim today…This is a Brand New PC well more than capable of running the Sim. However a got a error message stating can not install on your system…I did read the part of not having W10 update I ran the update I’m pretty sure I have it. It did download but locked up half way. I do have the Sim on my PC but not the correct one I paid for the TOP TIER Sim and says I have it but I’m missing the 787, Cessena Longitude and others I’m supposed to have. I’m a great loss in what to do??? I’m very frustrated and tried to chat with someone but been bounced around for 3 times no one knew what to do and passed me off until I lost the Chat window. Can I please talk to a Human please help please. Long time FS since FS98 and owned every version with more than 6500 hours of flight time.
You should be able to load these in-game.
Go to Marketplace::FullCatalog, and select owned. Whatever you’ve bought should show up here, and allow you to download them if you haven’t already.
@Beebo0921 you should follow the instructions given by @ExtraPilot6480. All the aircrafts and airports you are entitled to are there.
It would help if you approach MFS as sim with new interfaces, quite different from FSX and others.
You mentioned an error message which I assumed you surpassed as the game installed/downloaded. Do post a screenshot of future errors … it helps
Have fun
Did all that now uninstalled and reinstalled and now only have 2 airplanes.
Hope the top of “Known issues” can help you:
Fly safe
Thanks for your help still not the version I purchased, So here are things I checked. W10 Home Vers 20H2, OS Build 19042.638, Updated MicroSoft Store. Turned off Norton AV and Fire Wall, Downloaded got this message Adminstrator Approval Required for Install, Got only 2 Planes went in and added content restart PC, Went to Market place Full Catalog and seleted owened and it’s empty. I paid for Prem Deluxe and don’t have the 787, Cessna Long, Cessna 172 Basic, Beech Baron 58 and others at a loss what to do next…from MS Store…Should I do it from Steam? Please help please I can’t do anything until Monday On duty at the Fire Dept all weekend 48 hours.
Thanks Scooter
@Beebo0921 you should go select Bundle … click Deluxe Upgrade download … do the same for others. Your interface should be similar to mine
Keep up the good work
I’ll give it a try Thank You!!!
Ok it wants me to pay another $99 I already bought it? I paid 119.xx for the whole game.
I had the same problem please note that you should make sure you are logged in on the same account on the Xbox app and Microsoft store account and the game if that dose not work check your content manager and see if you have any content to download
Make sure you are on Windows 2004
Make sure all settings are updated
Double check all of the things if they don’t work messages me and I will see what I can do I know your pain I had the same problem the things I stated before worked for me hope this help
That was exactly it. My son and I share the email and I bought mistakenly under his store account but I was signed on under XBox…All is good other than I have to fly under his log in…Boooo!
Thanks Scot
by chance do you know how to link accounts when he’s signed I get 30 planes when I’m signed in I get 20