Download over Modem 2400 Baud

Just sort of throwing this “out there” for interest to the youngsters on here (ie anyone that’s ever NOT used an old-fashioned modem) but we’re incredibly lucky that MicroSoft waited until now for the SU11 update at nearly 80GB.

I’ve just calculated how long it would take to download just the update, let alone the whole kit and caboodle using my modem I had at the time FS first ever came out on my Radio Shack PC in the 1970s.

If my sums are right, it would have taken more than 3645 days or nearly 10 years.

Anyone wanna check my figures?


My first modem used with my RS Model 3 was a 300 Baud modem, however, my SU11 download was not nearly 80 GB.


Because I deleted the mesh files to make room on my already over-crowded NvMe. It needs to re-upload to me I guess.

Oh and I paid nearly $400 to upgrade my original 300 Baud to the 2400 with an acoustic coupler. Great for CompuServe and my fledgling Bulletin Board!

I can remember when the first version came out, one of my buddies said, “hey, go buy this flight sim, and bring your Apple II+ (with a mighty 64K of memory)” out on alert with you and we’ll have some fun!". Only modem I had was a similar phone-cradle 300 baud modem that I don’t ever remember using with the sim!

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My first online foray was with a 9600 baud modem. And that in itself could be pretty painful for downloads. And the horror if someone else in the house picked up a phone while you were in the middle of a download…


Insert Disk 1…
Insert Disk 2…
Insert Disk 3…


I had an Apple2E+, and Apple at the time had the technology leading top of the line Apple 1200 baud modem. When I went to a Compaq Deskpro, I still used my Apple 1200 baud on that.

My first modem…


You guys really started early. I went online with a 36k modem. Up- and downloading mods for FS95 and FS98 mostly in fact. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m probably wrong, basic math is my kryptonite…but I don’t get the same answer as you, and I checked an online rate calculator that confirmed my answer. But, I’m too tired to keep going.

I’m calculating about 386 days at 2400b/s best case scenario

I calculated 342.5 days for 127 GB @ 36k.
Don’t forget it’s 36k Bits NOT 36k Bytes!


I guess so. The update was around 22GB download in total.

I get only 3314 days

At 2400 b/s?

Yes 2400 bits/s = 300 bytes/s

I could be wrong but my calculation was like this

80 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 = 85,899,345,920 bytes

Devided by 300 = 286,331,153 seconds

Devided by 60 = 4,772,186 minutes

Devided by 60 = 79,536 hours

Devided by 24 = 3314 days

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Dial up would have been around 2 to 3 k max on dial up.

2.4 k back then and yes you are right.

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We calculated it would take us back then 5 years just to play all the DOOM maps we had and that was 2 minutes per map. Good ole dialup days where two phones in the house was a must.

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I figured 8.45 years :slight_smile:
80GB = 640gb , at 2400b/s = 266,666,666 sec’s = 4,444,444 min’s =74,074 hrs = 3,086 days =8.45 yrs. That assumes there’s no congestion or retransmissions!

Good one YearlingDeer319!!