Download speeds - July 2023

I am running a WidevieW Server and Client on 2 Desktops. To realign rendered windows, I’ve had to uninstall/reinstll Premium MSFS.

I have cable internet speed tested up to 350 mbits/s. Can anyone tell me why the reinstall total download goes back an forth fom 5 to 120 mbits/s. Seems to hang around 5 - 15 mbts/s mostly.

Is there a workaround?


I just happened to reinstall MSFS again a couple days ago as I had installed a larger NVMe drive and I thought that, after more than a year of updates and running the game, it was a good time to do a nice clean install again. For background: I have a Gb internet connection and speed tests regularly shows 900+ Mb/sec.

My suspicion has long been that what MSFS shows is the AVERAGE speed for a complete download. The reason for this belief is that, as you start downloading, the indicated speed increases up to the point where it stops downloading and starts decompressing a file. After decompressing and starting with the next file, the initial indicated download speed is way lower than where it ended up with the previous file. It then again builds up as the file downloads. With small files, the download speed never reaches the same, greater levels that it does with large files. The drop between stopping and restarting downloads is also generally bigger when the system takes a long time to decompress a larger file. All of this to my mind is consistent with an average download speed.

FWIW: I did not time this last download, but it was around an hour and a half. For about 130GB, this works out as an average of around 140+Mb/sec. Given that it is an average and the system takes pretty much as much time decompressing as downloading, plus the reduced best speed download speed that one can expect due to other network limitations (not your internet speed as that theoretical number is a lot higher than you can get from the rest of the pipeline), I think this is quite reasonable.

I would suggest that, to find out what your real download speed is that you time the time it takes to download a known size MSFS update.


I’ve simply accepted that I can’t do anything about what happens on the server side.
I’ve tried following online tutorials to modify Windows NIC settings to ‘optimize speed’ but never found that it did any good, and in fact seemed to degrade performance relative to the default settings.

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I did that +. Just before the MSFS upload after install, I did a speed test with 325~ mbit/s. The upload of the sim came in two parts 124 gig & 58 gig (don’t know why). First part 11 to 210 mbits/s. Second 5 to 110 mbits/s. Started soon. Past downloads