Dracula's Castle?

While traversing Europe, I decided to visit Romania and more specifically find Bran Castle (a.k.a. Dracula’s Castle).

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dracula’s Castle in the Google Earth photo on the left and Dracula’s Office Tower in Flight Simulator 2020 on the right. At least the layout is pretty spot-on!

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Seems even Dracula caught up with the times :slight_smile:
(BTW, the rest of the autogen looks really good imho)

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Yep, that’s what I meant about the layout. The town and surrounding areas are pretty good for auto-gen. The castle itself is about the right size and perched up higher than the town buildings so that’s accurate enough. It would just be cool to see actual castles in the simulator (my niche).

I agree and I think it will happen sooner rather than later. I stumbled upon the free Stonehenge model for MSFS here: https://www.msfsaddons.org/freeware/stonehenge and have hopes that we’ll see more and more of those landmarks/buildings.

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