Dreamflight's MRLB (Liberia - Daniel Oduber) Airport runway bump?

Hey folks,

Wondering if anyone here owns Dreamflight’s MRLB and can confirm if the bump on the runway is still there? I wanted to buy it but since the Marketplace has no version history and no written reviews, I can’t see if it was fixed.

In reddit and avsim there were reports of a bump on the runway which causes bouncing and planes to crash.


I own it and recently landed there and don’t recall any major bump. But, I either could’ve missed it or came in the opposite direction so I cannot confirm anything has been fixed. I can say my landing, taxi, and parking was without incident (Fenix A320).

Can you try again? Take off (or land) from runway 07. The bump should be about 1/5 of the way, not that visible to the naked eye so you’ll have to roll over it.

Exact Location:

I’ll give it a shot my next flight this afternoon and let you know what I experience.

Well, I was not able to find the bump when I flew out of MRLB.

However, I had problems with the jetways turned sideways at a couple of gates including mine. This has happened to me on and off since a few Sim Updates ago (didn’t start this way at this airport). The other day, I didn’t see a problem. Today, I did. To be fair, it could’ve been that way last time too but I didn’t notice because the jetway I was at was OK. Today, Gate 3 (where I was) and it looked like Gate 5 or 6 was also jacked. One jetway in between was fine.

I can’t be sure unless I fly again out of there soon and double check everything.

Either way, I wish they would update this airport. DreamFlight seems to have disappeared from the scene as best I can tell. They’ve put out no new airports, or to my knowledge any communication about any in development since this airport for MSFS, and they’ve done no subsequent updates to this either. A bit disappointing because this would could be really cool, plus I believe they did some other good ones for P3D or past platforms, like MMMX. The fact that they were being published by FlightBeam made me believe they had some credibility and quality and early on, this one was both those, but quality across the board has come way up and many developers are becoming top quality while these guys just kinda disappeared. Would love to see them come back in.

Plus we need more great Central American airports for when KIAH comes out soon! :slight_smile:

Yup, there were several complaints about non-functioning or glitching jetways and Dreamflight seems to have gone bust. A shame really. I got those screenshots above from what I believe is a port of their FSX airport but I wanted to buy it and support the vendor. A lot of the latest reviews seem to complain about their radio silence, so I’ll wait for hopefully a better and supported MRLB in the future.

I would kill for Asobo to release a World Update focusing on Central America and the Caribbean. It is a great place to fly, especially if you like GA, given the relatively short distances, elevation changes and lots of varied things to see like volcanoes, reefs, etc. I guess that’ll come in time.

You and me both brotha!

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Yes there is a bump in MRLB by Dreamfligh, it has been there since ever. Any Solution?

Also, I do not get it, Asobo uptdates terrain all over the world BUT NOT, central america and Mexico and Also I think South America.
Is that some kind of discrimination???

Does Caribbean terrain Update includes Central America? It looks like it does not

Also the Bing Maps are so old, and I see white patches all over from the clouds in Bing satellite images. I wonder if that soft that substitutes Bing satellite images for google, doe the trick.
Can I get an opinion PLEASE? Is it worthy ?

Also in Costa Rica, the ex prison island of San Lucas at Nicoya Golf DOES NOT Exist.
WTH? From the global map, is there, but on the terrain it does not exist, Maybe is like the Atlántida.

maybe this will help:

Thanks, but it says “file unavailable” for some reason.