Drone FPV racer by Pilot Experience Sim

Looks cool! Glad to see another unconventional aircraft added to the sim. N.B., it was available only in the marketplace based on PESIM’s website. But seeing their other products, I would guess it won’t go too bad (plus it’s only 5 bucks). Will try when I got home :smiley:

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Went to the marketplace today and saw a 1.6 rating. Surprisingly low rating and not gonna try it. Too sad about another thing that looks so different :smiling_face_with_tear:

Would love a realistic fpv drone mod.

The Drone FPV racer is excellent !!
As often an issue appears on XBox and that is why there is a low rating…
We have remove it from Xbox from now.

You can see a review here and the drone is amazing !


Thanks for the heads up! Sorry for my presumption in the previous post.

So, I tried it and did find a few “bugs” I guess. First, I’m using a stick and throttle set up and I need to push over 75% to take off. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the freezing cold Canada right now (since in the description you said simulated LiPo battery). And then when I switched from cockpit to external view, the drone simply dropped out from the sky. It appears that the blades have no power at all in outside view. So unfortunately, I wasn’t able to enjoy the scenery as in the review.

Another minor problem is that the sound seems too monotonous for me. It appears starting at above 0% throttle and all the way to max without any changes. I hope it has more features than four-way controls and two power buttons, and perhaps a basic manual would be helpful.

You will find user manual here on our webiste.

Tutorial :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyjEtk8hEeo

Maybe you have a conflit wiht 2 controllers ?
Throttle setting must be linear an configurated like you can see in the previous video.

Maybe there is to much wind ? can you verify your controllers settings and do a test with no wind to be sure.

Our custom flight model needs a minimum of 25 fps to working correctly
We are working on an update to help with that and fix the Xbox flight model issue

If you need any support , please open a support ticket so we can help in the best way.

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Is it possible to remove the “fuzzy” video view?

I’d prefer if this was done like a good quality GoPro video. Maybe a switchable option?

Fun little toy though for $5

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After the recent update I tested it again. It works surprisingly well now, and the throttle issue is gone. I do notice that when the battery is dead, the propellers will simply disappear if my throttle is not at zero. Is this by design or a bug :joy: It makes a lot of sense to me actually.