Drzewiecki Design Announces Washington Landmarks for MSFS

Only, it isn’t the “same product.” MSFS is much more advanced and content-rich than any simulator released before out of the box. That’s the dictionary definition of “Progress.” The fact that irrational haters deny that says more about that than about the sim.

I know what “stagnation” means, and I see it right now. Not in the sim, though. :smirk:

There is really no need because MSFS has many more landmarks than its predecessors. And they’re a lot more interesting than anything you can find in a young and relatively unappealing city like Washington DC.

But of course, it makes perfect sense to prioritize cities that aren’t under a giant no fly zone.

Some people have arguments, some have harsh words. You don’t have actual arguments so… :thinking:


Once again you go WAY OFF TOPIC. This topic is about the DD DC product NOT MSFS - and the DD DC product IS the same old product!

If you knew what you were talking about, a conversation with you may be of value, you have too much to learn for me to bother, come back in 40 years, you may know enough then. Until then I personally will totally ignore everything you say, you may as well not bother trying to talk to me.

You do understand that DD Washington DC is not the same product you purchased for other sims?

Addons don’t translate to MSFS 1:1 and work needs to be done to adapt even existing 3D models.

You’re displaying the same logic as someone who has a VHS of a film and is complaining because he has to purchase the Blu Ray to be able to play it on the new Blu Ray player.

But hey, ignore whoever you want. I’ll still call you on your lack of logic.

I’ve been searching for some info pertaining to this addon for a day (or two) but haven’t got an answer. Posted a message in Drzewiecki’s official support forum too but not reply yet. I’d really appreciate it if someone who bought it can help me with this before I buy this addon.

  1. Is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers located in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia modelled in this addon? It’s not very far from Pentagon.

  2. It’s been stated that people who buy it from places like Aerosoft, Simmarket etc are getting an installer, using which they can customize the addon and add/remove parts they don’t want. I’m guessing that the four enhanced airports that you call optional could be added or removed using this installer. But what about those who want to buy it from the in-sim MSFS marketplace? Are they going to get this installer too? If not, will these four enhanced airports be automatically installed for them?

In answer to question 1 it does not look like it, see image. I can’t answer question 2, I bought it before it was offered in the Marketplace.

Thanks for the reply and screenshot. :slight_smile:

I’ve been trying to edit my original post but the forum didn’t let me do so for some reason.

I contacted the developers of the product and they confirmed that Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers wasn’t modelled yet, and they are currently modelling it. Right now it’s a WIP and they said it will be added to the addon in the next update. :slight_smile:

Thats great. I’ve been pretty impressed with the scenery pack so far. They even have the building where I work.

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They will likely update it after January 20, 2021. This forum is not a place for political talk.

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Actually this is very stupid to get themselves politically involved with the scenery, I’d have loved to keep any scenery in our sims out of the political insanity

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Downloaded a freeware version by srinivasman in the meantime.Hopefully Asobo updates DC when ever that is.


Washington DC Landmarks Pack V2.2

Hi. I visited the real-life Arlington Cemetery last weekend and drove up and down George Washington Parkway. When trying to fly this this week (I have Washington Landmarks MSFS Drzewiecki Design), I could barely find AC until I opened my VFRmap and navigated. The cemetery showed only the visitor’s building and the monument, but not the rolling land and markers (and like many sceneries the tree overgrowth got in the way). Going north on GW Pkwy, also Georgetown University was missing some of the big buildings, and the CIA building seemed oversimplified. Any comments on this ?

Is anyone having CTD problems with this addon? I have tried numerous times to fly towards the National Arboretum, but I get a CTD every time i get about 1.5 NM from it. I have tried in daytime and at night with the same result. Since i am sightseeing, I am flying at about 900 ft altitude.

It’s not a problem with the add-on. It’s an issue with one of the MSFS cgl files. If you’re willing to wait a week, It should be fixed in SU7. If you don’t want to wait you can rename the file so that MSFS doesn’t load it. You lose a few buildings but that’s better than a CTD.

Details about which file to rename are in this thread: KADW - Andrews - CTD Analysis by Community contributions


thank you for the response. I’ll wait for the update and see if that fixes it. If it doesn’t, I’ll use the rename. Guess I’ll just have to stay out of DC for a bit :).

Constant crashes now after workd update 10 when flying there

For me, the DC scenery conflicts with the second US WU. Buildings are on top of MS buildings, sticking out in places. In other instances, the terrain does not match to location and elevation of the buildings. Hope they sort it out. KADW works fine.

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An update is coming for that

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figured as much. It took MS to add the Marine Corps Memorial to DC and that does not conflict with the Drz scenery. DC looks rather empty w/o the Drz however - as do Anacostia and Andrews.


I have a conflict somewhere. The National Mall and WH lawn are snow white.
It makes no difference with or without the Drz scenery. Is anyone else seeing this?