Drzewiecki Design - Seattle FPS killer and studders or just me? Horrid long load to kbfi as well

Im finding if i have this orbx addon enabled, my frame rate is destroyed and full of studders.

Does anyone else have this issue there? (4090, pimax crystal i9-12900k)

I have a few others in usa-washington state area, perhaps a conflict, i do need to try removing them all except seattle and see if it improves

Also, when you load from the map to kbfi (orbx’s drz version that just came out), the load time from map to plane is horrendous for me.

EDIT: so i think for both the city frame rate and the general stutters, and horrid load time, it was renton by drz that was the cause. Keeping it off cured things

I only have the Asobo hand-crafted KSEA and Drzewiecki’s city pack in that area. Flying over the city can be quite stuttery so I’d hate to think how it would be with BMWorld/Amsim’s KSEA plus Drzewiecki’s three Seattle airfields!

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Same experience with the city pack. Ive come to learn DD airports are very heavy on frames - KDCA can slay my 3080ti

It will depend on your CPU and GPU.
I have KEWR from Drzewiecki Designs with no problems.

But it is a lot of graphics.
Depends on how well your GPU can handle it.

so i think for both the city frame rate and the general stutters, and horrid load time, it was renton by drz that was the cause. Keeping it off cured things