[DTP] Gunter’s Sunday World Flights

What: Gunter’s Sunday World Flights
When: Sundays, Starting Jan 23rd, 9 am PST, 12 am EST, 1700 UTC
Where: Discord, or TeamSpeak3 (connect (ctrl-s) to ts3.digitalthemepark.com)
Additional Info: www.digitalthemepark.com

Join us every Sunday for about 2 hrs where we fly somewhere in the world. We are using different airplanes for these flights, from small GA planes to jets. No experience is necessary. If you have ever wanted to give multiplayer flying a try and have not known where to start and enjoy a calm and relaxed environment with like-minded others, this is the place for you.

Which Server?


Greetings Douglasy,

Thanks for your interest. Gunter decides that at the event time, taking into consideration the attendees and events location. See you there!


muy bonito , pero de dónde sales???

1200 Eastern (1600 utc)
Server USA-East
Teamspeak voice server: ts3.digitalthemepark.com
Voice Room >> Flight Division >> Casual & Commercial Flights (Gunter Sundays)

Website: http://www.digitalthemepark.com
See gunters-world-flights

Saldremos creo que de AYVL

1600 UTC
1800 AMS time?
Calendar shows wrong time I presume.
(January 8th, 18:00, (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam)

1700 utc zulu (1200 Eastern)

Server USA-East
Teamspeak voice server: ts3.digitalthemepark.com
Voice Room >> Flight Division >> Casual & Commercial Flights (Gunter Sundays)

Website: http://www.digitalthemepark.com
See gunters-world-flights

Why teamspeak but not discord?

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Sunday flights are on TS3… for years now so why not teamspeak? It works fine especially on the Digital theme park teamspeak server.

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Because folks have moved on to discord.

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