I have a dual monitor setup to view charts / other apps on the second and the sim on the first monitor.
Did anyone with a similar setup notice that if you switch the focus (cursor) to another monitor and then back to the sim (on the first monitor) that you have TO CLICK TWICE to have the sim respond?
It is so annoying and I can not remember any other app would do this…
I hate it!
Please Asobo give focus to the sim when mouse is entering the screen {OnMouseEnter.Focus = true}
This shows normal behavior (AFS2) ONE click…
This shows annoying behavior (MFS2020). TWO clicks…
I utilize a three monitor setup with one vertical monitor for viewing charts and other relevant info and I really don’t find having to click twice. I go back and forth a bit while on the departure and approach but even then it really isn’t that big of an issue in my opinion.
If it’s something as simple as that then I would add my request to that one as well. I find this limitation way more annoying than the “Press Any Key” where you have to press once only after all.
I’m using a single monitor, the Samsung 49" screen, and I need to click once to activate MSFS when I switch from Navigraph/STKP to MSFS. It’s the normal behavior of any Windows application for years, especially when I had dual-monitors in the past. If you open two apps, you clearly see which is the active one at the top, which is darker than the passive one and you must click first to activate it and a click a second time to interact with it.
I’m not sure that fullscreen application ‘have’ the ‘onmouseover-event’… if not then it’s a limitation of the OS and nothing Asobo can do. If they do, then I agree with you.
Yes, it’s the normal and expected behavior of Windows. It makes sense when you are switching back and forth between spreadsheets, but because we are talking about FS and other flight support apps it would great if you could keep using the yoke or drone while the focus is on another window.
Asobo hasn’t put much thought into these details and the proof is we still have that goofy zoom behavior while turning the mouse wheel on another app.
MSFS does not have an exclusive fullscreen mode. It is just borderless windowed. Proper fullscreen whould change your monitor resolution if you change it in game (and your monitor is not doing GPU scaling).
Which makes me think that if you can affect the zoom in FS while the focus is on another window in two windows at the same time then it is technically possible to affect any other behavior in the sim regardless of the fullscreen/windowed mode or focus status.
You can‘t affect zoom while another window has focus.
It seems asobo has devided the (usual) behavior of giving focus and at the same time raise an event into two events.
Click one: give focus
Click two: raise the event
Thats not normal behavior
Try this: give fs the focus by clicking into the fs-window and then move to your second monitor and click i.e. a website link. The click raises the event immediately
same for me !
Sometimes some difficulty to move mouse cursor to another monitor ( may be because they have different screen resolution) but never I have to click twice.
Well I am constantly switching between my two monitors reviewing charts and also to an Navigation-App (skydemon) and when going back to FS I have to click TWICE. That IS disgusting.
If your’e using just a single monitor then everything is fine for you, but not for me.
Well, maybe it’s a matter of personal opinion. The word disgusting is a word I would use to describe the taste of something that’s gone bad…or someone that urinates in a small swimming pool… or… well…
This problem you are describing is something I would call inconvenient. It’s not very user friendly… it might even annoy the sh*t out of you. I understand that.
I have 2 monitors and I use littlenavmap and charts on my second monitor too.
When I go to my second monitor to zoom in on the littlenavmap MSFS zooms too, unless I click first to make that window active.
To me, that’s logical. I don’t want to look up some airport in LittleNavMap and discover that I have turned the autopilot off in MSFS because I pressed the Z key
When I go back to MSFS I do the same. I click that window to make it active. Also ALT+TAB works.
So, yes… maybe a little bit inconvenient… but Disgusting? No. I respectfully disagree on that word.
Maybe you are not used to the convinience all other apps offer where you just move your mouse on them and click.
For me it shows that the devs did not think about such (small) details which (in my opinion) actually make a whole difference when I have to judge between enjoyable vs. annoying.
I simply don’t like this bahvior of the sim / game, I am not used to this. None of my other sims / apps show that behavior.
It seems to me the “click to focus” on each monitor would be absolutely necessary. Otherwise, would a keystroke be meant for MSFS 2020 on monitor 1, or Little Navmap on monitor 2?